Wednesday 11 December 2013

Tonight I will mainly be bragging

So hello December! The tree is up, the needles are falling off, and we are super excited about Christmas.
I warn you, today's post may be a little smug, I may even brag a little, and it will probably all come and bite me in the bum tomorrow! But here goes....

The babe eats!
For the past ten days or so G has been eating three meals a day. She is no longer spoon averse, so we now offer a mixture of finger food and textured spoon-fed food. I know this won't necessarily be the end of our feeding issues, but for now it's a giant leap forwards.

The babe has teeth!
Gs reflux has gone crazy this last week and initially we put it down to her ongoing ear infections. That was until I spied two more teeth making an entrance. We then got so caught up in the two teeth that we missed a random third tooth appearing along the bottom row. That certainly explains the reflux flare up! The dreaded R word does mean that daily (or should I say nightly)screaming is back, and yes you guessed it, the A14 is our BFF.

The babe crawls! (Well shuffles commando style)
G had her development check 4 weeks ago and passed with flying colours. Well, all except the crawling element. So a follow up check was scheduled for the 12th Dec to assess her crawling progress. We've been on a countdown, and in the end I gave up all hope that she'd crawl by tomorrow. Surprise surprise, this afternoon she has given a glimpse of a commando style shuffle that could be passed as the first stages of crawling!! 
Now I know you experienced mothers out there will be currently laughing away to yourself and telling me 'you'll wish your babe wasn't crawling soon enough' and I'm sure you're right (cue future blog entry!). But for the next few days we'll take great delight in watching her new moves. Might I add that it was a strong desire to get hold of an empty mug of tea that spurred her on. Strange child!

The babe is currently off anti b's!
As you well know, G has been plagued by recurrent ear infections. Well she finished her latest course of antibiotics on Monday. Me and Tim are waiting with baited breath as her infections usually tend to reoccur within 48 hours....or when the weekend is due. Watch this space.

The babe sleeps 7 hours for two nights in a row!
I know, tonight she will wake up a ton of times and I'll be wishing that I didn't brag about this, but we've had two nights of 7 hours uninterrupted sleep. Never does she do this more than one night. Could there be a link between the lack of antibiotics in her system??

What's ahead for us?
Feeding and speech therapy 
Tomorrow we have our first appointment with a feeding and speech therapist due to Gs feeding issues. Yes, they are currently resolving themselves, but as she will most likely have speech problems later down the line it is best to get on to their radar early and stay there. Speech therapy appointments are few and far between. My time as a teacher has taught me that for sure! 

Developmental check
G has her crawling check tomorrow, but thankfully I think we'll be sent on our way pretty quick sharp. 

That's us done for now, we are pretty chuffed parents at the moment! I'll post an update around Christmas. Enjoy December :)

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