Wednesday 13 February 2013

No more scans for us!

36 week growth scan....and a moment of mild panic!

Yesterday we awoke with feelings of excitement at getting to see our baby again!
On the short journey to the hospital, we discussed how much she might weigh this time round- Tim was guessing low 4lb, and I was thinking top end of 4lb, not that it mattered so long as all was well.
We didn't have long to wait before being called in, and as we saw the familiar face of the sonographer from the 32 week scan, I was even more at ease. She remembered us, and did all of the necessary checks without my prompting (including the amount of amniotic fluid).
She did mention that she was finding it hard to detect the stomach, but didn't make a great deal of it. After a few minutes, she asked me to lay on my side to move baby. Again she repeated that she wasn't able to see the stomach. She left the room for a few moments to speak to a colleague (about something Unrelated), and when she returned, she looked for it one final time. Unable to locate baby Chappo's stomach, she asked us to wait outside for 10-15 minutes, and then she'd call us in to try again.
At this point the words MIND DOING OVERTIME would pretty much describe my state.....Tim as usual was fine, and reassured me that 'a stomach doesn't just disappear!' Still, those 10 minutes of waiting, rapidly chewing on as many fruit pastilles as I could, were the longest 10 minutes I'd experienced in a while
I hurried through as my name was called for a second time, and thankfully after just a few minutes, there her stomach was. What a little monkey!


As I got my things together, the sonographer informed us that all appeared well, she'd grown since our last scan, and now weighed a whopping 5lb 7. The head and abdomen measurements were coming in at around the 50th percentile, but the growth of her femurs had slowed right down, and were only coming in at the 5th percentile. This didn't worry us though, it's a classic symptom of Turner Syndrome.
In the car on the way home, we joked at what a porker baby Chappo had become, at how she wouldn't fit into Tim's favourite outfit (which he bought in size Tiny Baby), and how I'd spent most of the pregnancy being thankful that Turner Syndrome babies are smaller -I'm thinking labour here, hmmm maybe not!

Not long now!

So, no more heart scans, no more growth scans, just one midwife appointment, and a couple of consultants appointments to go.
I had my bloods retested yesterday, and will know the results when I visit my consultant on Tuesday. I'm praying that my platelets have either remained the same, or increased. We've had so much good news that I never expected to have other issues, but we'll just have to wait and see!
Speaking of good news, last night at my church group we were discussing how well things had progressed since the initial shock diagnosis back in Sept, and I definitely think that someone has been watching over our little girl :)

Our other little monkey....

Here is a picture of Winston, taken this morning you can see he is still obsessed with the nursery and its contents!

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