Wednesday 20 February 2013

Last consultant appointment!

37weeks + 4

Our final visit to one-of-many consultants

Yesterday saw our last visit to the consultant. I say 'the' consultant as it would be silly to assume that we'd get to see one of the 3 that we'd previously seen. This time the waiting room was packed, and we didn't expect to get seen anytime soon. I wasn't particularly nervous, but the issue of the platelets had been playing in my mind. 
We were called in 20 minutes later, and I had the basic checks done, but this time my blood pressure was high. We were told they'd check again in 15 minutes, and then were left to wait for the consultant. My face must have told a story, because Tim was quick to reassure me that my high blood pressure will have been due to the fact that I virtually sprinted to the consulting room when my name was called. As always, he was right (though I don't tell him that too often!), a further check confirmed that my BP was heading back to normal.
After nearly 40 minutes of further waiting, a consultant that we'd never encountered before, entered the room.   She skimmed through my novel/notes and discussed the recent Scans. She then informed us that my platelets had stabilised, MUSIC TO MY EARS! In fact, they had increased slightly, though still remained below the normal threshold of 150. She concluded that I would need a weekly blood test between now and birth, but as they hadn't dropped below 100, no immediate treatment was needed. Hurrah! I was so thankful that my prayers had been answered! We were then told that we could leave (after another blood test) and that I would not need to return until labour, or unless I received a call to say that my platelets had dropped again. 
For the last time, hopefully, we left the department, and walked straight past the 'appointments' desk. What a sense of the past 20 weeks we've had over 13  appointments at our local hospital (not to mention the Oxford apts and midwife apts), and now we are not due to return to the maternity department until baby Chappo chooses to make an appearance :) 
Just think how much the car parking company has had out of us!!


This week it has finally hit me that I'm on maternity leave! For the past 5 years, I've spent most of my Sundays beavering away on my laptop,preparing for the week ahead at school. This Sunday I had the urge to get my laptop out, but not the felt a tad weird.
I've kept myself busy this week as my hormones have been raging, and for the last week or so I've been feeling extremely emotional and anxious. I've also had a real urge to clean and clear the house (much to Tim's delight). Not your average polishing, washing, or hoovering though, but more like skirting board wiping, patio door frame cleaning and cupboard emptying! Thankfully I got out of the house today to get my hair done, and when I returned home I didn't feel too great, so made myself spend the afternoon in bed chilling with the dog.

What next?

I guess it's just a waiting game.... A few friends are adamant that baby Chappo is on her way, but I'm not so sure. She's beating all the odds, and bucking every trend going, so maybe she won't be early after all?!

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