Wednesday 17 January 2018

Tears and tantrums

Oh my. What has happened to my laid-back babe? Who am I kidding....she’s always been highly strung. But this week her tantrums have smashed a whole new level.
The combination of an exciting Christmas break, probably a tad too much sugar and lots of sensory stimulation (not to mention several recent 4am wake ups) has led to little G having a meltdown over anything and everything. On a positive note, the double ear infection has kindly bogged off.

Christmas 2017 was beautiful, despite both children being unwell. Family, food and fun. What more could our babe want? Gluten free stuffing balls and pigs in blankets have fast become G’s favourite festive food, unlike the family tradition of cold meats & pickles for breakfast. I eagerly tucked into my family fav whilst G watched in horror - while eating her breakfast staple of ham and pickle sandwich I might add. ‘Yuck Mum that’s gross having meat and spicy onions for breakfast’. Nom nom!!

Starting back at school after the festive fun and frolics was met with dismay, which is quite unusual for G. She loves school. Quite literally skips there. Tears and tummy aches accompanied the first few days, infact even this evening she complained of a sore tummy and dizziness. Though she has been having a few issues with another child which could be resulting in an anxious tummy. A visit to G’s teacher has been scheduled.

Much to my surprise, when I recently attended a meeting with the SENCo at G’s School, I learned that G had met all of her targets (due to her Turner Syndrome she is automatically under the care of the Special Educational Needs Coordinator, and each term targets are set for her).
It seems that her anxiety has eased somewhat, that she can sit without fiddling or moving for a period of ten minutes -albeit on a wobble cushion and with a fidget toy, AND the girl CAN put on her socks. She’s been fobbing us off....
Her targets for this term continue to focus on concentration, but are now inclusive of social skills. Anything to help make life a little easier for our gorgeous girl. You are AMAZING!

In the coming weeks, G has two appointments-dietician to assess her ongoing issues with milk, wheat and gluten, and the paediatrician. Little H also wanted in on the appointments action, so has bagged himself an appointment with the dietician (milk intolerant-of course he has to be too), paediatrician, and a consultant regarding his delicate bits!!
Daddy is a tad broken at the moment, so he too has bagged a couple of hospital appointments. Parking space with our name on it?! Reduction in parking fees at least.

A hot topic of conversation at the moment is my sister’s recent engagement. G is SOOOO excited by the impending wedding, that she has asked me if she can skip being 6 and jump straight to 7. Rationale? Well as her Aunt is hoping to marry the year that G is 7, she can’t be doing with being 6 and she’s nearly 5 so doesn’t fancy missing out on presents and party. I told her it doesn’t work like that. Her response? ‘Don’t worry mummy, I’ll just do 6 after 7!’.

School and appointments aside, life generally is fairly hectic in our household. Find me a household with kiddies that isn’t!! Between school runs, football karate and swimming, and having two children who are averse to sleep, we are kept on our toes.  Good job I don’t have a job at the moment-I’d need a few extra hours in the day.
Jokes aside, anyone know of any careers that fit round being a full-time, sleep-poor mother, that incorporate my passion for writing blogs and books (or my dislike of plastic packaging), but still pays the bills?Answers on a postcard please...

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