Wednesday 8 February 2017

She'll be starting before she turns 4....

...well she turns 4 in a few weeks....we aim to start her within three weeks!

Today was the long awaited, much anticipated joint endocrine appointment to discuss daily growth hormone injections. Our local NHS paediatrician had teamed up with a neighbouring county's endocrine specialist to provide what felt more like a sales pitch than a consultation.

I'm not entirely sure what I was expecting from today-perhaps a leisurely discussion, followed up by an appointment to discuss growth hormone injector devices, then the secret morning of tests which we hadn't prepped G for, more appointments, and probably lots of faffing. Not to mention the funding issues.
But, far from it. The visiting specialist took the lead and within 30 minutes we had been informed of:
  • what Turner Syndrome is (!!);
  • which injector device G would be using (no choices-funding!);
  • a request for funding for the injections which would be filed asap;
  • a nurse who would be provided by the pharmaceutical company to visit us in the near future and provide training on injecting our daughter (yes, they had mentioned the words injection and needle at least a hundred times....).
Just like that. I felt like I'd be swept up in a whirlwind. And as always, little G had listened, and her timely tears suggested that as usual she understood every word. What I'd have given to have scooped her up, ran away and told her she'd heard wrong.

However, it didn't take long for a chocolate brownie and some reassuring hugs and kisses to perk G up. Simply exiting the room tends to help too!  Discussions started immediately with her, the questions came and we answered with 100% honesty - her body isn't growing as it should, it is part of her Turner Syndrome, she will need magic growing juice every day given through a growing pen, and daily and weekly rewards would be a key feature.

For now, we wait. I know that our babe is amazing, simply incredible, and she will cope with this change. Soon it will become the norm, and she will show herself to be the ABSOLUTE SUPERSTAR that she is. We love the bones off that girl xx

In other news:

- G is already playing with a disused injector pen (minus needles) which we were kindly sent by a fabulous TS friend. And more amazingly, the pen she sent is the one that we have been told we will be using.

- The first hair cut was a success!! Well, it was cut at least. G had a nervous tummy and was whimpering upon entering the hair salon, and then was reduced to a blubbering wreck by the crocodile gown which the well-meaning hairdresser had hoped to entice G with. Still, it was a result!

- Xavier, Alan and Tomothy (yes TOMothy) are G's latest contributions to the baby name discussions.

- G has an eye apointment this week. I didn't realise until I received the reminder text and thus told her last minute. She was distraught. This girl needs MAJOR forward planning and lots of preparation. Bad mummy :(

- All of a sudden G is writing and drawing, and it's flippin' fantastic. Her name looks like her name, the submarine looks like a submarine (or a ten-eyed spider), and the people on the bus look like people on a bus. Albeit written and drawn by a three year old!! Milestone :)


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