Saturday 1 March 2014

G is 1 today!!

I won't bore you with the whole 'this time last year' speech as we all know how pretty darn lucky we are to have G here with us today. So, as an alternative post, I decided to think about what I've learnt in the past year!

- Sleep isn't overrated, that's just what we say to make ourselves feel better when our babe still doesn't sleep through age 1.
- We can sing the theme tune to a variety of Cbeebies bedtime programmes. Tim's still pretty confused by In The Night Garden and G goes crazy for Old Jacks boat. 
- Food can be both a fabulous tummy filler and the root of all evil if your babe has a sensitive digestive system.
- When your babe smiles at you, it can make even the crappiest of days better.
- That car parking at any hospital, regardless of county, is awful.
- Reflux is also the root of all evil (and lack of sleep)
- It's ok to discuss baby poop on a regular basis, and maybe even take a photograph should it back up your argument.
- Family and friends are amazing! 
- When your friends have a chilled out baby, and you have a screamer who can go for hours on end, you'd give anything for just 5 minutes in their shoes. But then you remember that you wouldn't have YOUR child, and that actually you'd give anything not to swap. 
- Teeth are also the root of all evil (and lack of sleep). For Gs birthday she's received her first molar! 
- Going to the toilet is no longer a time when you have 5 minutes to yourself (unless you lock the door and put your  fingers in your ears!)
- There's no point trying to wrestle a dog toy from G or infact Gs toy from the dog. They've certainly learnt the concept of sharing.
- You could watch your babe practice a new skill over and over again, and some more. 
- Looking after a baby, whether newborn or 11 months old, is the toughest job ever.
- We know every country route in Our county and the next! Tim's particular favourite used to be passing the police helicopter base!
- When someone tells you your babe looks like you, you beam proudly. 
- Your babe can't speak for themselves, so you'll do everything humanly possible to make yourself heard on their behalf.
- When they see you first thing in the morning, it's like they haven't seen you in years. I love that smile! 
- Ewan the dream sheep really is a dream, for G that is. I'd quite like to throw him and his repetitive lullabies off the nearest bridge! 
- Having a husband who isn't afraid to do the housework, cook the dinner or  change the babies diarrhea-filled nappy (albeit with gloves and a peg) is a godsend. 
- Baby sick has the potential to cover you, your baby, the floor, and require whole new outfits for all involved.
- Baby wipes make for the easiest cleaning tool. Once upon a time our house was cleaned by a multitude of products, now a quick run down with a wipe will suffice.
-The dog will do anything for a lick of a dirty nappy, or a meal of baby sick!
- God given miracles do happen.
- It is possible to love a little person sooo much that you couldn't imagine a single second without them. Well, except 5 minutes of peace in the bathroom! 

So to our little miracle, our 2%er, HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY!!! Xxx

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