Sunday 3 November 2013

Good riddance October!

This evening's post marks my 40th entry for the Turner Syndrome and us blog! It has been looked at over 19,900 times, and has audiences as far as the US and Oz :) I've still not managed to crack the task of enabling my blog to show up on a simple google search for say Turner Syndrome, or Turner Syndrome stories, but I'll persevere. So before I start I wanted to thank all of my readers, both new and old (so to speak!).

Nice November??

October was an absolutely pants month for G. Last week, another trip to the out of hours doctor after a full night of screaming, led to G being diagnosed with her second ear infection of the month. The other ear as well. Can you believe that she picked the night of the clock change to pull an all nighter? We saw 1am and 2am twice. Felt like Groundhog Day!
Initially, things got worse before they got better, with G reacting badly to the antibiotics. Two days later and a phone call to our GP resulted in a different antibiotic which seemed not to disagree with her quite so much.  Thankfully a week on and she is getting back to her smiley little self. October has truly been horrible. I think I can count the amount of sleep I've had all month on two hands, ok and maybe two feet aswell!

Weaning ups and downs

Up until two days ago, G had been totally off her milk and solid food. In total she was off it for around 3 and a half weeks, which is pretty much the entire time of both ear infections. She wouldn't even entertain the idea of putting her favourite melon near her mouth, or drinking more than 2oz per feed. Since feeling slightly better, she has gone back to her usual milk feeds (around 25oz per day), and back to sucking and nibbling on small amounts of finger food. In fact today was her best day yet. She polished off toast and jam for breakfast, and at at my brothers birthday lunch a mountain of turkey accompanied with a few licks of parsnip.  Let's hope it stays that way.

Paediatrician update

Last week saw our three monthly visit to Dr R's clinic. After speaking to Arlene of the TS society, I went armed with questions, and wanting referrals for G-at the very least seeing an ENT consultant-but came away dismayed. Not only was the appointment an hour late, but G had lost weight for the first time ever, and as always we were told that she'd grow out of all of her 'issues'. True to form though G screamed the department down, and Dr R could at least see that she's still often a very unhappy child. We are due back in January, and if G so much as has a sniff of another ear infection, I'll be demanding that referral! As for her other issues (reflux, permanent congestion, prolonged screaming in pain, food intolerances) I will continue to monitor them. In terms of actual Turner Syndrome related issues, none were spoken of. At the very least I had expected an initial discussion on growth hormones, but this isn't an urgent matter just yet.

Is the clinginess subsiding?

Yesterday me and Tim travelled to Essex to attend a wedding. We had a fabulous day, enjoyed the company of old and new friends, and to top it off G was fantastic for my parents. Yes she had her 5pm meltdown and needed a drive in the car to settle her, but what's new?! She even managed to send us a selfie from my sister's phone :)

In other news

Pumpkin carving is a tradition in our household, and this year a third pumpkin appeared in our window. Can you spot which one is little moo?

Last week I had to enlist the help of my neighbour, who's a nurse, to unravel a tightly wound hair from Graces second toe. It was wrapped so tight that her toe had gone red. Teamwork enabled us to remove the hair with minimal fuss and before it had caused any damage. Oops! Since then I've had a fair few inches lopped off my hair, so hopefully it won't happen gain.

Grace adores several of my friend's children. We spent a lot of time this week with 2 year old Olivia, and 6 year old Lucas who adore Grace just as much. Maybe she has some best friends in the making, just like the respective mummies!

So.... the nights are drawing in, the babe is now 8 months old, and a return to work is an ever looming prospect for me. I'm meeting Grace's childminder this week. Though as she is a longstanding friend of the family, we know that she is most definitely our best option.
Hopefully November will be full of smiles, new developments and more to the point EAR INFECTION FREE.... We can but hope.

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