Sunday 9 June 2013

Triathlon success, new formula, super weight gain, and a break through?

Birthday surprises
It was my birthday on Friday, and aside from being super clever and getting me a photo card and flowers, G gave me the best pressie.... a huge weight gain!
Up until now she has hovered around the 2nd and 9th percentile, and thus has been deemed as 'low' weight. To continue on the 9th percentile, Tim estimated she needed to weigh around 11lb. I thought that was optimistic, 10 and a half maybe. So imagine our surprised on Friday morning when the health visitor told us she was now a whopping 11lb 13oz!! Also, she had moved up to the 25th percentile. What a chunky little monkey :) That truly made my day. The health visitor will be back in another 4 weeks for a weigh in and check. 
The rest of my day followed suit - G had some quality grandparent time and me and Tim got to go shopping. Then later on we went out for dinner with my family. It was my sister's birthday too, so delicious food and drinks were the order of the night. Though only 1 glass of prosecco for me due to night feeds! 

Bob's triathlon
Last Sunday my brother took part in his first ever triathlon. He's super fit and pretty good at running and cycling, but  was very nervous about his open water swim (I was too!). We went along to support him, along with some of his friends, and were all fantastically proud. Not only did he come out of the swim event in 4th place, but he completed the triathlon much quicker than expected, and raised over £800 for the Turner Syndrome Support Society. It was a beautiful day, and G very much enjoyed cheering on uncle Bob.

New formula
Around ten days ago I spoke to Gs paediatrician again. She was still having the most disgusting explosive nappies, and having mucus in them (gross, but all signs of milk intolerances). Not to mention the horrendous screaming fits every evening, and reflux issues. Having already been put on a semi hypoallergenic formula-it was still made of cows milk, but had the lactose removed and the proteins broken down-the paediatrician concluded that grace couldn't seem to tolerate cows milk at all. Within an hour she had spoken to our GP and Gs new formula was ready to pick up. We were warned that Neocate tasted foul, but it was the BEST of the best and contained no dairy at all. Ten days later and some of her symptoms have subsided, however there was absolutely no change in the horrendous screaming evenings.......until last night....

Lulling us in to a false sense of security?
For around 10/11 weeks our days have pretty much gone like this:
Morning=happy, smiley baby, except a bit of reflux
Afternoon=starting to get grizzly
Teatime (usually 4/5/6pm)= our baby replaced with screaming baby who can not be consoled
Evening=driving for several hours to calm her down
9pm=G falls asleep and we transfer her to her Moses basket. We finally eat, and crash.

Well last night she broke that mould! She did start her grizzles, but after her 6pm bottle she got all sleepy (instead of screamy). So I gave her cuddles, kept her upright for the usual 30 minutes, and then we braved putting her to bed. Having tried this many a times before, we were sceptical, the screaming would most likely start. It didn't! Yes we had to keep putting Ewan on and popping her dummy in, but she was upstairs and quiet. 
What did we do? Cooked and ate dinner, without indigestion. Watched several TV programmes the whole way through (including BGT and the already infamous egg throwing incident). Then we ate pudding. Not an A-road in sight. Such simple things, but what a fantastic evening. It almost topped the beautiful birthday meal we had the night before! 

Is this a turning point? Who knows. The new formula may be working, or she may have just had a good day. I guess we will see tonight.
I should also add that Gracie is now in her own room too. No more animal farm noises in our room!! Granted, I can still hear them across the hallway, but they aren't nearly as noisy.

What's next for us? A dietician appointment in two weeks time, and a discussion with Gracie's paediatrician regarding her medication. Her reflux is still very much an ongoing issue, though I am hopeful that with time, her new formula may help this. The game of trial & error continues.

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