Thursday 11 April 2013

Common baby ailments, and a heart scan appointment!

G turns 6 weeks old on Saturday-how your life can change in just 6 short weeks. We can barely remember life before our gorgeous little G.

No more tiny baby clothes

This is a milestone for us! For the first 5 weeks of her life, G was such a little dot that we had to replace her whole wardrobe with tiny baby clothes. However,  last Friday she weighed in at a hefty 7lb and 8oz, and to us she now seems huge - well bigger at least. She has a long way to go to fit in to some of her beautiful outfits, especially the monsoon coat that my mum brought, aged 18 months no less. So in G terms, 2 years at least! Anyhow, so long as she continues to put on weight, we aren't bothered how little she is.

Reflux, colic and an umbilical granuloma

Whilst G is displaying very few traits of Turner Syndrome at the the moment, she is displaying many traits of newborn-ness! Colic, and reflux to be precise. For the mums and dads out there who have experienced either of these, I imagine you are currently thanking your lucky stars that your little one (or older one) has grown out of it. The hardest part for us is the constant screaming which lasts at least 3-4 hours EVERY night, and for which nothing will sooth. We're trying everything...special bottles, special formula, infacol, gripe water, white noise apps, infant gaviscon. 
I guess we'll have to wait until she grows out of it. For now, family are a godsend....Tim has taken G out for the evening (hence why I have time to update my blog and wash my hair-seriously), and tomorrow night nanny is babysitting so that we can go out for (a quiet) dinner.
One friend did ask if we reminded ourselves of the fact that she is our little miracle, our little 2% er, when she is screaming the house down. Sometimes! 
G has also developed a growth on her belly button. Apparently her umbiblical chord hasn't healed properly, and it hasn't closed over, which has led to a small growth popping out. It's pretty gross, and sticks out really far when she coughs, strains and cries. Salt treatment is the way forward apparently, with silver nitrate being a last resort. Hope she ends of with a normal belly button afterwards!

Genetic counselling and a heart scan appointment

FINALLY we have our heart appointment for G. It wasn't easy though. Given that the heart specialist requested that he see her as soon as possible after birth, I was a little surprised when they booked us an appointment for July! After a lot of chasing up, we have managed to bring this forward to May 16th, which can't come soon enough.
Tomorrow we are meeting a genetics counseller who will inform us about Turner Syndrome. A little late you say? Yes, we could have done with this shortly after the diagnosis back in October! But hey, we are not about to turn down any extra help/information. 

New friends

Over the past few weeks I have met up with some lovely ladies from my antenatal class, along with their gorgeous babies. It's great to compare notes, discuss experiences, and generally support each other. I have also met some other new mums along the way, as well as being in touch with old friends who are new mums. Friends are invaluable, and I very much look forward to regular mummy meet ups.

Oh, and if you hadn't guessed, I've decided to continue with the blog. There will be less frequent entries due to the obvious-a crazy busy life with a little one- but I will aim to write about our experiences with a newborn,  as well as continuing to write about life with Turner Syndrome.

Hope you enjoy the picture. They're not quite best friends yet, but one day maybe :)

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