Wednesday 6 March 2013

Baby G is here!!

As far as anxiety, unpredictability and shear fear are concerned, this last 5 days has been full to bursting with all 3.... As well as feelings of overwhelming love :)
What has happened to us since Saturday, would need at least 2 or 3 posts, so I'll give you it on a nutshell for now (though it may turn into an essay!).

Early labour?
Friday evening and Saturday day I felt 'weird', I'd guessed I was having mild contractions, but was concerned at the lack of baby chappos movements.
Once Tim returned from hockey, we called the labour ward, and were asked to come in for checks but told we'd probably be sent home.
Within 20 minutes of arriving, we were told baby wasn't coping with my mild contractions, she has also pooed in the womb -yummy- and I needed an emergency c section. NOW.
Suddenly, at least 8 people descended on my room helping to prepare me. Tim was whisked off, and in ten minutes I was on the operating table, with Tim by my side.

G was born several minutes later at 5:18pm, weighing 5lb 13. She needed extra help to get going but apparently she was out in the nick of time.

A problem?
The next 24-36 hours she was very unsettled and wouldn't feed much. She was also bright red (though at the time we didn't think much to this).
The paediatricians visited us Monday morning, and told us she needed some tests in special care. By late afternoon we were told she needed to be admitted to special care. High haemoglobin-very thick blood, and low platelets. We were distraught, and my post labour hormones went mad.
Later we visited and she had canulas in both hands, and was hooked up to drips and monitoring machines. She looked so tiny and helpless.

Tests and transfusions
Since Monday evening G has had a partial blood exchange (swapping some blood for fluid) and a transfusion of platelets. We're now waiting to see if these procedures did the trick, or if anything else is required.

Was it the Turner syndrome?
Gs condition with her blood can happen to any child. Little is known about whether it is linked to turner syndrome. It wasn't linked to the problems in labour or birth either. Just one of those things....again!

We're praying G will make a speedy recovery, and to have her home soon-by mothers day would be my preference! I'm off home today, and whilst I'm extremely pleased at the prospect, we are both gutted that our little one can't come with us today. She is being well looked after, and is in everyone's thoughts and prayers. Little fighter is still fighting :)

I just wanted to add how amazing everyone has been over the past few days, especially my husband. He has not only had to deal with this, keep the house and dog going, but also cope with an extremely emotional wife. He's so positive, and will be the bestest daddy!

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