Tuesday 18 December 2012

A manic, but positive 24 hours of appointments

The week before Christmas always is busy, but especially so for us having 4 appointments in just under 24 hours!

Monday 17th December-paediatrician

We met with a lovely lady who will be in charge of our baby's care for at least the first 6 months. As we already knew a lot about Turner Syndrome, we didn't really find out a great deal of extra information.
Baby will need lots of checks (some routine, others specific) once she is born, and then depending on how she develops, she will need to visit the paediatrician once every 6 months during childhood. She'll also be referred to a hormone specialist after a year or so.
The paediatrician has also written to a genetic specialist as she was surprised that we hadn't been referred to one, given that our unborn child has a genetic condition! We hope to meet her in the new year, though again what she'll tell us that we haven't already researched, we don't know, but we are not about to turn down any extra help or advice.

Tuesday 18th December-28wk scan, consultant and bloods 

This morning we were both surprisingly calm about things. It would be the first time that we we'd been in the ultrasound department since the 'there's a problem' news (the foetal health unit had taken care of all scans and procedures since that day).
We arrived to be told that they were running behind, which made me a tad anxious, but the baby channel on the department TV kept me occupied! Bang on 9:20 we were called in for the scan, though the sonographer needed a little clarification from us on why we had attended, she seemed a little unsure until we explained the condition.
She talked us through what she was looking at, and took all of the usual measurements. After about 10 minutes of scanning, she informed us that all looked normal, including the heart and kidneys (which can be problematic in Turner syndrome pregnancies). She did mention that baby was measuring at roughly a week behind (27 weeks instead of 28), but it was nothing to worry about. After looking at Tim, she mentioned that baby could be taking on his small stature! Both of us were relieved, and full of smiles :)
As we left, the sonographer mentioned that she didn't know whether to book us in for a 30 or 32 week scan, so would let the consultant decide. News of another scan was music to my ears, and if the consultant didn't mention it-I would!

Mrs Doom & Gloom??
As we sat waiting for the consultant to arrive, I promised Tim that I'd give him the nod if our original consultant walked in. To my surprise, we had yet another consultant - I'm a little unsure whether I like this inconsistency, but at least it wasn't Mrs Doom & Gloom!
She was happy with everything so far, and asked if we had another scan booked. I mentioned our 34 week scan at Oxford in Januray, and that we had nothing else here BUT that the sonographer discussed a potential 30 or 32 week scan. The consultant willingly agreed to a 32 week scan, just to check growth, and said that we'd have our final visit with her or another consultant at 35 weeks to summarise everything and discuss birth and after birth care.

Lastly, I had my bloods taken, but that was the most boring and routine part of our 24 hours, so it's hardly worth a mention!

So, another hurdle (or two) cleared, and lots more positivity to keep us going. January has a lot in store, including antenatal classes, and 2 scans, but for now we hope to enjoy Christmas, and continue to get excited about our little ones arrival next year.

I just wanted to include a little picture of a Christmas present that was waiting for me when I arrived back at school today. A boy in my class, and his fabulous mother made me this chocolate eclair tree...... It was the icing on the cake today ;)

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