Saturday, 13 March 2021

8 whole years of our miracle

Where did those 8 years go? And what an incredible young girl she has become-fiesty, funny, caring, not to mention lego-obsessed. 

After sharing G’s story with some friends from church today, I quietly reflected on my thankfulness for our babe. During this time I was reminded of my pregnancy and how one consultant didn’t believe I’d still be pregnant by the time I returned for my next appointment 4 weeks later. Oh how wrong she was. It was a good job we believed. G smashed the odds, God smashed the odds!

School’s out of lockdown : G has been to school during lockdown as she had keyworker status due to my job in education. Whilst I was somewhat nervous given that the whole country had been plunged back into a national lockdown, I knew it was the right move for G. She needs routine, stability and not me as her teacher! So the return to school this week wasn’t really a big deal, except that she no longer had 11 in her form, she had a full class of friends again. 

It’s not what you know, it’s who: After nearly 2 years of being on the waiting list for an autism assessment, and an occupational therapy appointment to address concerns over fine motor skills, I took matters into my own hands and wrote a letter to our local community paediatrician team. It was a known fact that we’d somehow ‘dropped off the system’ but nearly 2 years on nothing had been done to rectify that. 

Within two days I had a phonecall, which resulted in a telephone appointment that day, and an occupational therapy assessment and autism assessment were both confirmed for later this month. 

The wonderful paediatrician taking on our case and fighting our corner? Only a mother of two children that I taught a few years back. I shouldn’t be celebrating the fact that the system was slightly broken and that it took someone who (by chance) knew me, but boy I’m incredibly grateful. She’s vowed to take us on and ensure we get all that we need. Though I’m not convinced as to what results an assessment for autism via Teams will yield... 

Upside down and round and round: G is an absolute sensory seeker, she craves movement. Her ultimate 8th birthday gift  was a spinning, pink office chair for her bedroom. Though I’m not sure she will ever stay still long enough to be able work at her desk on it! If she’s not zooming round in circles on her chair, she’s upside down on the sofa or bed or floor perfecting her headstands and handstands. Her enrolment in gymnastics after lockdown cannot come soon enough. 

No caravanning for G: For the second March running, we’ve not been able to take our annual trip to G’s beloved holiday park. The effects of COVID have been far more devastating for so many families, so in the grand scheme of life it’s no biggy. It’s just it’s G’s happy place, and she’s a creature of habit.

We’re Brownie Guides we’re Brownie Guides we’re here to lend a hand.....’ After nearly a year at Brownies, and having never physically attended, G was finally enrolled in Brownies! We had a zoom enrolment complete with the Brownie promise but sadly no toadstool. Next stop, attending an actual real session with real people and no computers.  Hopefully, eventually. 

That’s us for now, eternally thankful 💜

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