Wednesday, 27 May 2020


Welcome to week 10 of lockdown in our household! G is in her element (namely NOT at school), I have realised I’m better at teaching a class of 30 than my own 7 year old, and H just wants to go to the farm to see his friends!

How is G coping in lockdown?
SHE LOVES IT! She really doesn’t like school, has massive anxieties and her sleep is greatly affected when she’s at school. Since lockdown began she’s been asleep by 8:30 most nights-MIRACLE..... she doesn’t come downstairs a gazillion times each evening, and I don’t have huge meltdowns getting her out of the door in the mornings. That said, she is a nightmare to teach!! Some days we are lucky to get 30 minutes done. As maths is her weakest subject, and my primary teaching specialism, maths is our main aim. 5 days a week of 1-2-1 maths for 15/20 minutes and I’m happy. Sometimes we get some writing and reading done, maybe even spellings (not all on the same day though!).

As for the rest, we do gardening, cooking, painting, growing vegetables, woodland walks, woodwork, art, gymnastics, singing, bashing the piano, applying for Blue Peter badges and lots more. Not in a bragging way, in a ‘this is what we’d normally do’ way. And don’t be fooled, inbetween each and every one of those activities is bickering, fighting, talking back, screen time, more bickering, bossing around and general sass!! Oh, and I’M HUNGRY more times than I can count. I’m sure the food bill has doubled!

What have we missed?
G had a fair few appointments scheduled this past few months, so we instead had 1 rescheduled (ears), and 2 phone appointments. One phone appointment replaced G’s annual heart scan, NOT ideal, but couldn’t be helped. We usually make a fairly lengthy journey to Oxford John Radcliffe for her heart checks, but a phone appointment to check nothing untoward is happening resulted in a rescheduling for October. October is looking fairly busy now-Ears, Heart, a rearranged birthday present to watch one of G’s favourite kids bands, a holiday (we hope!), a wedding and an endocrine paediatric appointment.

The other phone appointment was our long awaited-14 months-with the community paediatric consultant to discuss G’s traits of Autism and ADHD. The phone call with a rather upset consultant revealed that we literally had fallen off their radar and we need to start the whole process again. AGGHHHHHHHH! She was incredibly apologetic, and herself disappointed in the process, but I guess at least we are on the right track again.

We’ve also missed several weddings and hen dos,  a few mini breaks including to G’s favourite caravan site, and a number of birthdays and celebrations. But it’s ok. We’re ok. Some days we’re amazing. Some days we’re not, but that’s normal right? Totally. We have each other, and health. We have loving family and incredible neighbours. Talk about community spirit! I’m even managing church online and recording the odd bit of piano when I can. It’s good, it’s positive. And when it’s not that’s ok too.

So, to continued lockdown, to a few more muted birthday celebrations, but also perhaps even to a little bit of normality again soon......