We're always learning, and I LOVE that about life. Every day really is a school day! So today's post is dedicated to things that I have learnt since my last blog, including some amazing things from our time at the annual Turner Syndrome conference earlier this month.
My most recent revelation came towards the end of 24 hour stint in hospital for G.
WHO KNEW THAT TONSIL INFLAMMATION COULD PRESENT AS SIMILAR SYMPTOMS TO APPENDICITIS?! After being in such severe pain that at times she was unable to walk, the urgent care Dr sent us straight to A&E with suspected appendicitis. That accompanied with a fever, nausea and pain in a very specific location, appendicitis seemed the most logical option.
Only it wasn't.
Inflamed tonsils (which did not hurt G one iota) was suggested as the root cause, and that was that. We returned home earlier today :)
WHO KNEW THAT G WOULD MAKE IT ALL THE WAY TO SIX AND A HALF YEARS OLD WITHOUT AN OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL ADMISSION?! The amount of times we frequented the urgent care centre, and the pediatric assessment unit, it's a wonder how we haven't been admitted before. That said I'm awfully glad we hadn't...The screaming which accompanied the insertion and removal of the cannula was quite something, and the bed I slept on pulled down out of a cupboard. I spent the entire night waiting to be catapulted back in-comedy style!
WHO KNEW THAT IN HER REVIEW WITH THE SCHOOL FAMILY SUPPORT WORKER, G WOULD TALK OF HER LOVE OF SCHOOL AND REEL OFF A LIST OF FRIENDS?! Don't get me wrong, from our perspective it can still be really tricky getting her to school. But this half term really hasn't been that bad at all (with a fantastic parents evening too). Well done G <3
WHO KNEW THAT THE PREVALENCE OF A BICUSPID AORTA VALVE IS AROUND 1 IN 300 OF THE GENERAL POPULATION, YET IT IS AROUND 30% IN TURNER SYNDROME?! We had an incredibly informative talk from Professor Bernard Keavney at the conference this year. G's biuspid aortic valve is currently monitored on a yearly basis, and currently presents no concerns. However, due to the potential risk it could pose, we have picked up some more medic style cards which the Turner Syndrome Support Society kindly produce free of charge. These can then be handed to an emergency services worker in the event that G should present with chest pains or shortness of breath.
WHO KNEW THAT LITTLE G WOULD PERFORM THE WHOLE OF THE JUNIOR DANCE IN THE SATURDAY NIGHT SHOW AT CONFERENCE?! Every year we have willed her on on, we've cheered, we've supported, but the anxiety has been too overwhelming for her. This year she did it! I could have cried (I think I did!). We were so proud of our beautiful little miracle.
WHO KNEW THAT FAILING AT SOMETHING COULD ACTUALLY NOT BE FAILURE AT ALL?! This one's for me (and probably lots of you too).....I failed at something that I considered quite BIG last week, a teaching job interview. Only I realised that I didn't fail, it just wasn't right for me. I knew it wasn't right, I had an instinct, but I needed to check. So actually I succeeded in getting one step closer to knowing what does and doesn't work for me, my health and my family.
In other news:
- Our recent Ear, Nose and Throat appointment was a time of great anxiety for G. Generally, at each appointment she has a hearing test and then we find out whether grommets are imminent. Thankfully, yet again we have been told that she is safe for another 6 months.
-As always, the Turner Syndrome conference was a pure delight. The wisdom, the education, the support, the squeals of delight from the girls who have been counting down to seeing their besties, the Saturday night show - no words <3
Honestly if the love and support that is given/shared/shown by the TS family had a red aura around it, then the conference venue would have been visible from space!
- We have a film night on Friday, G literally cannot wait. She now loves a good film, I mean she'll generally watch the same film twenty billionty times, but we can't complain. I'm opting for Beauty and the Beast, not sure if that's top of Daddy's list though...
Hen party, wedding, baby news, and THE news.... A story of our ups and downs after finding out that our unborn baby has Turner Syndrome.
Wednesday, 30 October 2019
Tuesday, 3 September 2019
I just want to stay at home!
Since I last blogged our beautiful G has finished Year 1, had the most wonderful summer break, got some new glasses, had a paediatrician visit, had a CAMHS mental health assessment, had a full set of blood tests, spent the best part of a week in a wetsuit (with a pretty special tan to match), and most recently become incredibly anxious about her return to school.
This summer has been crammed full of family time: two whole weeks of Daddy time, every single day with mummy and H, and a week in Cornwall with my family. G has absolutely ADORED this. For her - family is everything, and various health professionals have gone as far as to suggest she struggles with separation anxiety. So 6 weeks and 2 days down the line, and it doesn’t take a genius to work out that G’s greatest angst is the return to school.
As routine is key, and change is the enemy, the start of a new school year is always going to be a tricky one to navigate. Thankfully one element of change has been removed by fact that G is having the same teacher again this year. Different classroom, different children, but same teacher. A small win for G. We are ready for the morning with prayers, the promise of after school treats, morning routine chart, a scrummy breakfast and a calming colouring sheet. Watch this space!
This summer we’ve realised that G genuinely is at her happiest and most carefree when she is by the sea. Wetsuit on and curls flowing freely in the sea air, G is a picture of joy. And that makes us all happy. A week in Cornwall was the tonic that was needed, as it is every year. But for G that release is needed more frequently....We spoke a lot this summer about our dream of owning a VW Transporter so that after a tough week of school, we could just take off on a Friday evening and head to the sea to allow G’s stresses and anxieties to just melt away. Sadly for now the reality of mummy not doing her ‘proper job’ anymore means that the ‘camping in the VW by the sea each weekend’ dream, remain just that. FOR NOW.
In other news:
* G has grown! Though according to her endocrine paediatrician, only by an ADEQUATE amount (just over 4cm). As a result, we were ordered to increase the dosage of G’s daily growth hormone injection. But... after I had pointed out her recent blood results had shown borderline high/too high growth hormone levels, only a small dosage increase was agreed. Not sure why it took me to point that out, but heyho.
* As G has struggled with high anxiety for quite some time, our paediatrician had decided to make a referral to the Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services. Now I’d already been given a heads up by a different paediatrician (whose children I happen to have taught) that if there is anything ‘else’ going on with your child, then CAMHS will often pass the buck. I remained open minded and we were seen fairly quickly for the assessment (very handy having that friend whose children I taught...). HOWEVER, as G’s school have made a referral to the Autism team, and due to G’s diagnosis of Turner Syndrome, the CAMHS team felt that we ought to continue down the current lines of enquiry. They felt her anxiety was linked to her TS and most likely Autistic Spectrum traits. I guess this one can be viewed as a ticking the box exercise.
* G has new glasses. This was very exciting news in our household! It was her first ever time at a regular opticians as all of her previous appointments had been hospital based. She did get the classic tummy aches and panic, but she did incredibly well for her first eye test. Her prescription had changed which meant two new pairs of glasses. If only she was still that excited 5 weeks on...
* G finally loves a film. We only have a small selection of vetted films as there are so many elements of film that can cause anxiety-music changes, baddies, bright lights, sudden sounds, sadness but to name a few. But this is a huge step. The most recent additions to the safe list are The Little Mermaid and Charlie and The Chocolate Factory.
So that’s us up to date, I think. I’m not sure how I managed to miss a July and August blog. Far too much family time fun ❤️
Ooooo and did I mention that we are on the countdown to the Turner Syndrome Annual conference? EEEEEEEEEEEEK! I just seem to have failed in my mission this year to secure full funding for the conference. That will most certainly not be stopping us from attending the best gig in town with THE best extended family though. Too precious and important an opportunity to miss.
Thursday, 20 June 2019
Celebrate our beauties!!
21st June 2019....Turner Syndrome Awareness Day
THURSDAY 27TH SEPTEMBER 2012...The day our life flip turned upside down (and not in a fresh prince of Bel Air kind of way!). The day we received the diagnosis that our unborn baby had MONOSOMY X ~ Turner Syndrome. Support was limited, Google was a scarefest, and all that stuck in our minds was that our baby was most likely to die.
Fast forward nearly 7 years, and oh my we have the MOST incredible girl: fiery, funny, loving, stubborn, athletic, caring, cake-monster, vocab beyond her years, and sporting the most beautiful curly bonce. We couldn't be any luckier, and thank God for giving such a gift to us as a family.
So, you all know how passionate we are about Turner Syndrome/our little G/our Turner Syndrome family....pretty please just do one thing for us over the next 24 hours - refresh yourselves on what Turner Syndrome is and perhaps share your knowledge with someone you know!
P.S. Our little G is doing amazingly well - an ENT appointment tomorrow to make a decision on grommets, and then 4 remaining weeks at school in Year 1 ! How time flies.
Watch this, pretty please <3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXAR5nqXDkQ

THURSDAY 27TH SEPTEMBER 2012...The day our life flip turned upside down (and not in a fresh prince of Bel Air kind of way!). The day we received the diagnosis that our unborn baby had MONOSOMY X ~ Turner Syndrome. Support was limited, Google was a scarefest, and all that stuck in our minds was that our baby was most likely to die.
Fast forward nearly 7 years, and oh my we have the MOST incredible girl: fiery, funny, loving, stubborn, athletic, caring, cake-monster, vocab beyond her years, and sporting the most beautiful curly bonce. We couldn't be any luckier, and thank God for giving such a gift to us as a family.
So, you all know how passionate we are about Turner Syndrome/our little G/our Turner Syndrome family....pretty please just do one thing for us over the next 24 hours - refresh yourselves on what Turner Syndrome is and perhaps share your knowledge with someone you know!
Much love xx
P.S. Our little G is doing amazingly well - an ENT appointment tomorrow to make a decision on grommets, and then 4 remaining weeks at school in Year 1 ! How time flies.
Watch this, pretty please <3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXAR5nqXDkQ
Our Turner Syndrome Q & A
Was it something that we 'did' ? Almost instantly we found out the answer to this was no, it was pure fluke or whatever you wish to call it.
How many pregnancies does it affect? Around 1 in 2500.
Will it happen to us again? The chances are extremely slim.
Will our child be able to live a 'normal' life? Many people with Turner Syndrome go on to live a happy and fulfilled life. They will face some challenges that others don't, but to what extent will depend.
If the pregnancy makes it past half way are the chances of survival better? There are no statistics to support this. In fact, no statistics other than 98/99% end in miscarriage or stillbirth, seemed to exist. That one keeps haunting me.
How many people in the uk have Turner Syndrome? Around 10,000
So you may be wondering what Turner Syndrome is, or involves. We won't go in to great detail here as many pages (such as NHS and TSSSuk) will have much better info. For us the key info is:
- Our baby is a GIRL- yay!
- She is missing one of the sex chromosomes, so only has 1 x in pair 23
- She will have growth problems, without treatment most girls are between 4ft 4 and 4ft 10 at full height (though as her daddy is a shortie-no one will guess!)
- She will need hormone treatment, possibly injections, possibly for much of childhood and teen years
- She will have fertility issues
- Heart problems are a potentially major complication during pregnancy, and possibly after
There is a list longer than my arm of other potential problems -speech, ears, maths, spatial, social...... HOWEVER these are only potential problems, and could also affect Joe Bloggs.

Friday, 3 May 2019
Mercedes badges and hearts
G has an incredible memory. As a toddler she’d know most of the car makers, along with their respective symbols/badges, including the Mercedes badge.
The Mercedes symbol was used as a visual aid for us at G’s heart scan last March as a way of explaining a slight abnormality of her aortic valve (a valve allowing a one-way system for the blood to flow from the lower heart chamber through to the body). That valve has 3 segments, as symbolised by said carmakers badge, but in G’s case one of the three segments seemed to be smaller.
So when we returned to the cardiologist this month, we knew that this would be of particular interest. What we hadn’t anticipated was that it was a little more serious than just being slightly smaller-it transpired that two of the segments (the smaller one and it’s buddy next door) were working as one, meaning the valve itself was working with two parts (bi), not three. Thus G has a BICUSPID AORTIC VALVE.
Thankfully we have the calmest, most softly spoken, reassuring consultant that I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, and she instantly put our mind at ease.....
* Despite the above, the valve is working as it should, and is not allowing any blood to flow back through (regurgitate)
* Bicuspid valves are actually one of the more common conditions in non Turner Syndrome patients too. I won’t need to fight for care, or research it and educate others.
* G will have regular, and life long care for her heart. Period. No ‘how often should she be seen?’ or even ‘should she be seen?’ as sadly is the case with some of our Turner Syndrome family across various NHS trusts.
Yes she is at increased risk of x, y and z (Google you weren’t my friend that day), but so could you or I be, and UNKNOWINGLY! We all take risks everyday. But Now we know, her care providers know and knowledge is power. She IS in the best hands.
With regards to her hospital anxiety, I think my journeying/parking anxiety was worse (Oxford is a nightmare). G WAS A GEM. An absolute star! No tears. Even the surprise of an ECG straight after her scan did not throw her. It was incredible! The fact that it was a day off school was possibly the highlight of her day, that and the obligatory McDonalds. Standard!
We’re still awaiting the report to come through, but it’s ok. She’s ok. We’re ok (shocker, I’m not panicking...). Granted G’s heart may take a step up the ladder on my prayer list but it’s all good right here, right now, today.
In other news:
G is winning at life this week - pupil of the week, moved up a class in swimming (to the deep end.....GULP), moved up a level in reading, had a superb parents evening, and on the sparkly face at school. You rock little G!
I was winning at life last week as our last minute community paediatrician appointment ended up being with a lovely paediatrician who I knew- I taught two of her children. She couldn’t have been more helpful and genuinely happy to do her VERY best for us. Gosh it’s refreshing not to have to fight and push and persuade and explain. She listened, got it, didn’t question, and then said ‘right let’s do everything we can from this end’. YESSSSSSS (where’s the bicep muscle emoji when you need it!).
The Easter holidays were a much needed break for G. Whilst we maintained some structure and routine, life generally eased off. As did the tummy aches interestingly. Sleep even became a little easier for her. A little. Much dairy free chocolate was consumed, and lots of family time was had. We even managed to source the most delicious gluten free fish & chips on a day trip to the seaside.
Junior park run has arrived in our locality. So an eager G participated in her first 2km run this last weekend, and triumphed.
Next stop little G’s favourite caravanning holiday destination. Sunshine request put in please!
The Mercedes symbol was used as a visual aid for us at G’s heart scan last March as a way of explaining a slight abnormality of her aortic valve (a valve allowing a one-way system for the blood to flow from the lower heart chamber through to the body). That valve has 3 segments, as symbolised by said carmakers badge, but in G’s case one of the three segments seemed to be smaller.
So when we returned to the cardiologist this month, we knew that this would be of particular interest. What we hadn’t anticipated was that it was a little more serious than just being slightly smaller-it transpired that two of the segments (the smaller one and it’s buddy next door) were working as one, meaning the valve itself was working with two parts (bi), not three. Thus G has a BICUSPID AORTIC VALVE.
Thankfully we have the calmest, most softly spoken, reassuring consultant that I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, and she instantly put our mind at ease.....
* Despite the above, the valve is working as it should, and is not allowing any blood to flow back through (regurgitate)
* Bicuspid valves are actually one of the more common conditions in non Turner Syndrome patients too. I won’t need to fight for care, or research it and educate others.
* G will have regular, and life long care for her heart. Period. No ‘how often should she be seen?’ or even ‘should she be seen?’ as sadly is the case with some of our Turner Syndrome family across various NHS trusts.
Yes she is at increased risk of x, y and z (Google you weren’t my friend that day), but so could you or I be, and UNKNOWINGLY! We all take risks everyday. But Now we know, her care providers know and knowledge is power. She IS in the best hands.
With regards to her hospital anxiety, I think my journeying/parking anxiety was worse (Oxford is a nightmare). G WAS A GEM. An absolute star! No tears. Even the surprise of an ECG straight after her scan did not throw her. It was incredible! The fact that it was a day off school was possibly the highlight of her day, that and the obligatory McDonalds. Standard!
We’re still awaiting the report to come through, but it’s ok. She’s ok. We’re ok (shocker, I’m not panicking...). Granted G’s heart may take a step up the ladder on my prayer list but it’s all good right here, right now, today.
In other news:
G is winning at life this week - pupil of the week, moved up a class in swimming (to the deep end.....GULP), moved up a level in reading, had a superb parents evening, and on the sparkly face at school. You rock little G!
I was winning at life last week as our last minute community paediatrician appointment ended up being with a lovely paediatrician who I knew- I taught two of her children. She couldn’t have been more helpful and genuinely happy to do her VERY best for us. Gosh it’s refreshing not to have to fight and push and persuade and explain. She listened, got it, didn’t question, and then said ‘right let’s do everything we can from this end’. YESSSSSSS (where’s the bicep muscle emoji when you need it!).
The Easter holidays were a much needed break for G. Whilst we maintained some structure and routine, life generally eased off. As did the tummy aches interestingly. Sleep even became a little easier for her. A little. Much dairy free chocolate was consumed, and lots of family time was had. We even managed to source the most delicious gluten free fish & chips on a day trip to the seaside.
Junior park run has arrived in our locality. So an eager G participated in her first 2km run this last weekend, and triumphed.
Next stop little G’s favourite caravanning holiday destination. Sunshine request put in please!
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
We’ll be grommet friends!!
Knowing that one of her besties has grommets has perhaps made the prospect of needing grommets herself, a little more palatable. By a little more, I’d say she’s possibly 0.5% happy about it as opposed to 0%....
Last week’s Ear, Nose & Throat appointment (along with a 3 monthly hearing test), revealed quite a decline in G’s hearing in her left ear. She’s gone from her hearing only being affected at one pitch to all pitches being affected by the fluid behind her eardrum. We’d noticed a decline in her general hearing anyway so this news didn’t come as a great shock. Final decision appointment in June, with a strong likelihood of an operation for a single grommet being planned soon after. Unless a miracle occurs.
On a brighter note, G’s paediatric endocrine appointment was incredibly positive-she’s grown by around 7.5cm in 12 months (with 4-8cm annual growth deemed as ‘normal’), so yet again G is smashing it with her daily growth hormone injections!! We were told that her dosage could be increased again but this statement was swiftly retracted when the consultant looked at her growth factors in her recent boodwork and noticed that G’s IGF1 levels were almost exceeding the upper limits.
So Two years on the magic growing juice and G is doing phenomenally! I had to buy her some new clothing last week as we’d realised She had been wearing age 3-4 in some garments for as long as we can remember, and the tightness of the waistband was triggering her sensory processing issues. Age 6 clothing swiftly purchased! Thank goodness for click and collect.
The rest of G’s blood work results were normal, which also indicated that her constant tummy aches can only really be attributed to anxiety. Thus a refferal is being made by the paediatrician, to a psychologist.
I’m incredibly passionate about mental health, and the sooner we can put some coping strategies in place for our babe, the more confident we all will be about how she will be able to handle what life throws at her.
In other news:
Anxiety- G has come to the end of a short programme at school, based on a book called WHEN MY WORRIES GET TOO BIG, which has helped her to start to understand her emotions and how her body feels. Learning to recognise emotions, your body’s reactions and then how to cope, are such tricky concepts to get to grips with. So putting that info all together and working out what on Earth is going on can be perplexing for young children. They can struggle to know how to react. The ‘go to’ reaction for many youngsters may simply be having tummy ache and not wanting to go to bed. It’s an ongoing process (it still is for me), but we’ll take every little bit of support and advice we can get.
Blood pressure monitoring-the cuff did fit! The monitor did work! Hurrah! However by around hour 16 of 24, G became overwhelmed:the cuff was tight, and itchy, and kept inflating, and irritating. We removed it half an hour short of the 24 hours as she was in a massive meltdown. But my goodness did she do a fantastic job of holding herself together for so long. The results are unknown to us as yet, but ironically the school theatre production (G’s worst nightmare) was on during the 24 hour monitoring which could have meant the results made for interesting reading. Thankfully she was excused from the event due to the severe anxiety it was causing. I think the monitor would have gone into overdrive with her blood pressure spikes, and after signing a £2000 waiver stating we’d replace the monitor if G broke it, we weren’t taking any risks!
Holidays are coming....
Someone is rather excited for a day beside the sea (and that’s just me!). I’m busy filling up our two week planner just so that we can ensure some sort of routine over Easter. Hopefully the tummy aches will ease, bedtimes will be a tad easier and lots of fun will be had.
School isn’t all bad though (despite much protesting from our lady) - her reading is coming on leaps and bounds, in class this morning she was sharing her new knowledge of o’clock and half past with me, and she has an upcoming school tea party for which she’s going to be baking scones. Glad I’ve got an invite!
We were also reflecting on how far G has come with her swimming. Bearing in mind it wasn’t many moons ago that she’d still scream upon entering the poolside area, it’s rather amazing that she now looks forward to swimming each week. Last month she gained her 5metre badge, and she’s now desperate to complete her final few tasks before moving to.....THE DEEP END.... (don’t panic mummy, don’t panic). What a huge achievement for our girl! It’s taken a shed load of perseverance, often on our part, but has definitely been worth it.
Oh and our not so little girl turned 6, and what cake did she request Daddy make?
Last week’s Ear, Nose & Throat appointment (along with a 3 monthly hearing test), revealed quite a decline in G’s hearing in her left ear. She’s gone from her hearing only being affected at one pitch to all pitches being affected by the fluid behind her eardrum. We’d noticed a decline in her general hearing anyway so this news didn’t come as a great shock. Final decision appointment in June, with a strong likelihood of an operation for a single grommet being planned soon after. Unless a miracle occurs.
On a brighter note, G’s paediatric endocrine appointment was incredibly positive-she’s grown by around 7.5cm in 12 months (with 4-8cm annual growth deemed as ‘normal’), so yet again G is smashing it with her daily growth hormone injections!! We were told that her dosage could be increased again but this statement was swiftly retracted when the consultant looked at her growth factors in her recent boodwork and noticed that G’s IGF1 levels were almost exceeding the upper limits.
So Two years on the magic growing juice and G is doing phenomenally! I had to buy her some new clothing last week as we’d realised She had been wearing age 3-4 in some garments for as long as we can remember, and the tightness of the waistband was triggering her sensory processing issues. Age 6 clothing swiftly purchased! Thank goodness for click and collect.
The rest of G’s blood work results were normal, which also indicated that her constant tummy aches can only really be attributed to anxiety. Thus a refferal is being made by the paediatrician, to a psychologist.
I’m incredibly passionate about mental health, and the sooner we can put some coping strategies in place for our babe, the more confident we all will be about how she will be able to handle what life throws at her.
In other news:
Anxiety- G has come to the end of a short programme at school, based on a book called WHEN MY WORRIES GET TOO BIG, which has helped her to start to understand her emotions and how her body feels. Learning to recognise emotions, your body’s reactions and then how to cope, are such tricky concepts to get to grips with. So putting that info all together and working out what on Earth is going on can be perplexing for young children. They can struggle to know how to react. The ‘go to’ reaction for many youngsters may simply be having tummy ache and not wanting to go to bed. It’s an ongoing process (it still is for me), but we’ll take every little bit of support and advice we can get.
Blood pressure monitoring-the cuff did fit! The monitor did work! Hurrah! However by around hour 16 of 24, G became overwhelmed:the cuff was tight, and itchy, and kept inflating, and irritating. We removed it half an hour short of the 24 hours as she was in a massive meltdown. But my goodness did she do a fantastic job of holding herself together for so long. The results are unknown to us as yet, but ironically the school theatre production (G’s worst nightmare) was on during the 24 hour monitoring which could have meant the results made for interesting reading. Thankfully she was excused from the event due to the severe anxiety it was causing. I think the monitor would have gone into overdrive with her blood pressure spikes, and after signing a £2000 waiver stating we’d replace the monitor if G broke it, we weren’t taking any risks!
Holidays are coming....
Someone is rather excited for a day beside the sea (and that’s just me!). I’m busy filling up our two week planner just so that we can ensure some sort of routine over Easter. Hopefully the tummy aches will ease, bedtimes will be a tad easier and lots of fun will be had.
School isn’t all bad though (despite much protesting from our lady) - her reading is coming on leaps and bounds, in class this morning she was sharing her new knowledge of o’clock and half past with me, and she has an upcoming school tea party for which she’s going to be baking scones. Glad I’ve got an invite!
We were also reflecting on how far G has come with her swimming. Bearing in mind it wasn’t many moons ago that she’d still scream upon entering the poolside area, it’s rather amazing that she now looks forward to swimming each week. Last month she gained her 5metre badge, and she’s now desperate to complete her final few tasks before moving to.....THE DEEP END.... (don’t panic mummy, don’t panic). What a huge achievement for our girl! It’s taken a shed load of perseverance, often on our part, but has definitely been worth it.
Oh and our not so little girl turned 6, and what cake did she request Daddy make?
Tuesday, 26 February 2019
Now I’ve swallowed 3 and saved 3!
I think the tooth fairy may be bankrupt soon-number 6 fell out yesterday (not swallowed either), much to G’s delight. And much to our delight, she went to bed the earliest she’s been in years. LITERALLY years. Turns out if she was awaiting the tooth fairy every night, she’d fall asleep at by 7pm, and not her usual 9/10pm! How many teeth do 5 year olds have?!
Big wins...
We had a family trip to the Dentist recently. This, as with anything medical, causes G days and days of anxiety, nervous tummy, sleepless nights. However what a huge breakthrough we had...for the first time ever she sat on the dentist chair (on my lap), and allowed the dentist to look in her mouth from a distance of less than 3 metres. This was big news in our household! We were incredibly proud of this HUGE achievement. G’s dental health is important-another quirk of Turner Syndrome.
Another win-G’s eyesight with her glasses is pretty much perfect. So she can now start attending the optician every six months as opposed to the opthalmologist at the hospital. Whilst I know this will probably cause her just as much anxst, we won’t be on hospital grounds, and we won’t be paying the parking fees. Wins all round.
This month has seen a lot more chasing up. It transpired that we haven’t had a cardiac appointment as G’s local hospital has cut their ties with John Radcliffe specialist hospital. As a result she was almost left in limbo. Had I not ended up getting the secretary’s number at JR, I don’t think anyone would have chased up G’s heart at all.
With the above in mind we’ve made the decision to leave our local hospital for her heart health and travel the distance to Oxford. After all it’s only an annual trip, and as I was seen there when pregnant with G (and JR still houses the specialist we saw at our local hospital last March), I have a lot of faith in them and their specialist care. So in April we’ll be having a day trip to see G’s cardiac consultant. Maybe we’ll find a nice farm park for a pit stop treat on the way home.
Half term happiness....
G could not have been happier this half term, and I was surprised at the drastic reduction in meltdowns. This time I had ensured we had an activity planned every day, and a timetable of this so G was aware of what was happening and when. Plans plus sunshine equalled one happy babe. One happy babe equalled one happy mumma!
Next month sees more appointments including:
Paediatrician for a general update, height and weight check, discussions around anxiety and general health.
Blood pressure monitoring, I’m skeptical that they’ll even get a monitor to fit/work, so I’ll leave this one here.
Ear, Nose and Throat consultant to continue to assess the fluid behind G’s ears. G talks a lot about grommets-but not in an ‘I want grommets’ way!
Big wins...
We had a family trip to the Dentist recently. This, as with anything medical, causes G days and days of anxiety, nervous tummy, sleepless nights. However what a huge breakthrough we had...for the first time ever she sat on the dentist chair (on my lap), and allowed the dentist to look in her mouth from a distance of less than 3 metres. This was big news in our household! We were incredibly proud of this HUGE achievement. G’s dental health is important-another quirk of Turner Syndrome.
Another win-G’s eyesight with her glasses is pretty much perfect. So she can now start attending the optician every six months as opposed to the opthalmologist at the hospital. Whilst I know this will probably cause her just as much anxst, we won’t be on hospital grounds, and we won’t be paying the parking fees. Wins all round.
This month has seen a lot more chasing up. It transpired that we haven’t had a cardiac appointment as G’s local hospital has cut their ties with John Radcliffe specialist hospital. As a result she was almost left in limbo. Had I not ended up getting the secretary’s number at JR, I don’t think anyone would have chased up G’s heart at all.
With the above in mind we’ve made the decision to leave our local hospital for her heart health and travel the distance to Oxford. After all it’s only an annual trip, and as I was seen there when pregnant with G (and JR still houses the specialist we saw at our local hospital last March), I have a lot of faith in them and their specialist care. So in April we’ll be having a day trip to see G’s cardiac consultant. Maybe we’ll find a nice farm park for a pit stop treat on the way home.
Half term happiness....
G could not have been happier this half term, and I was surprised at the drastic reduction in meltdowns. This time I had ensured we had an activity planned every day, and a timetable of this so G was aware of what was happening and when. Plans plus sunshine equalled one happy babe. One happy babe equalled one happy mumma!
Next month sees more appointments including:
Paediatrician for a general update, height and weight check, discussions around anxiety and general health.
Blood pressure monitoring, I’m skeptical that they’ll even get a monitor to fit/work, so I’ll leave this one here.
Ear, Nose and Throat consultant to continue to assess the fluid behind G’s ears. G talks a lot about grommets-but not in an ‘I want grommets’ way!
Next month also sees G turn 6. SIX. How?
I say this every year but we are so incredibly blessed and thankful to have G in our life given that her odds were so tiny (remember the 2% ?!) It’s totally enriched us having her as our daughter, she’s an absolutely delight and a cherished gift from God. She’s given us strength we didn’t think we had, and love and happiness on a whole new level. Soon to be happy birthday G!
Wednesday, 23 January 2019
The Chase
Sometimes life can feel a little bit like you're on a treadmill, struggling to keep up. That feeling of constantly chasing. I've had that this past month.
When you're the parent of a child that has a condition that isn't common, and thus doesn't always have a huge amount of knowledge or info out in the pubic domain, YOU become the expert. You become the one chasing for this and pushing for that.
Generally, a vast amount of G's care runs like clockwork...her Ear, Nose and Throat clinic send us a new appointment within a week of her most recent appointment, as do her Opthalmology clinic, her eye consultant, her general paeditrician and usually her endocrine consultants for her growth.
HOWEVER, anything extra, anything that has cropped up or anything that may not be on the radar of her current consultants, can result in me constantly needing to chase people.
Currently I have been needing to chase a 24 hour blood pressure monitor since G's blood pressure was consistently higher than average back in March/April/May of LAST YEAR. Last year! 5 year olds don't generally struggle with high blood pressure, but 5 year olds with Turner Syndrome can...meaning I have needed to chase.
G's heart check is due in March. Usually we have the appointment months in advance as a consultant from a specialist hospital travels up to run the clinic. But no appointment. Most 5 year olds don't need a heart check, but a 5 year old with Turner Syndrome does. G's checks are currently annual as although one heart condition rectified itself (hallelujah!), a slight abnormaility was noted last year. An abnormailty which needs regular checks. Thus I have needed to chase.
And as for the ugly monster that is anxiety, my goodness we can't seem to get the better of that yet.
THANKFULLY after several phonecalls, voicemails and a plea to various other paeditrician's sececretaries to get someone - ANYONE -to get in touch with me, I finally got a call to discuss our concerns. Our paeditrician is great, she will generally follow my lead and will do anything for us. It just sometimes has to be MY lead. So:
When you're the parent of a child that has a condition that isn't common, and thus doesn't always have a huge amount of knowledge or info out in the pubic domain, YOU become the expert. You become the one chasing for this and pushing for that.
Generally, a vast amount of G's care runs like clockwork...her Ear, Nose and Throat clinic send us a new appointment within a week of her most recent appointment, as do her Opthalmology clinic, her eye consultant, her general paeditrician and usually her endocrine consultants for her growth.
HOWEVER, anything extra, anything that has cropped up or anything that may not be on the radar of her current consultants, can result in me constantly needing to chase people.
Currently I have been needing to chase a 24 hour blood pressure monitor since G's blood pressure was consistently higher than average back in March/April/May of LAST YEAR. Last year! 5 year olds don't generally struggle with high blood pressure, but 5 year olds with Turner Syndrome can...meaning I have needed to chase.
G's heart check is due in March. Usually we have the appointment months in advance as a consultant from a specialist hospital travels up to run the clinic. But no appointment. Most 5 year olds don't need a heart check, but a 5 year old with Turner Syndrome does. G's checks are currently annual as although one heart condition rectified itself (hallelujah!), a slight abnormaility was noted last year. An abnormailty which needs regular checks. Thus I have needed to chase.
And as for the ugly monster that is anxiety, my goodness we can't seem to get the better of that yet.
THANKFULLY after several phonecalls, voicemails and a plea to various other paeditrician's sececretaries to get someone - ANYONE -to get in touch with me, I finally got a call to discuss our concerns. Our paeditrician is great, she will generally follow my lead and will do anything for us. It just sometimes has to be MY lead. So:
- 24 hour blood pressure monitor booked (it best work this time!).
- Cardiac consultant contacted to chase up the heartscan/echo.
- Referral made to community paediatrician regarding anxiety, and also various traits which G displays.
I also put a plea in to school regarding G's anxiety, and many other 'little' things which actually all add together and on some days can become overwhelming for little G. We are hoping these will be addressed with time, but knowing the education system myself I do know that it may not be imminently due to budgets and other constraints. On the radar at least.
Gosh, my head has felt like it has been ready to explode. It usually does - that meme that is doing the rounds on social media rings true: my mind is like my internet browser - I've got 18 tabs open, 4 of them are frozen and I have no idea where that music is coming from!
So how is our beautiful G?
She is good! Growing so well thanks to the magic growing juice. I'm constantly on ebay getting bigger clothes.
Feb and March are pretty heavy in terms of of hospital appointments, but that's the norm for us.
Our brave babe finally had THAT blood test, and thankfully the results came back as normal.
Tummy aches are a huge problem at the moment, but we are likely looking at it now as a physical manifestation of anxiety.
She still adores little H, they are thick as thieves sometimes. Especially the time they both drew all over G's bedsheet in green pen...,
Yes we have our ups and downs, our major meltdowns, but actually that is also the norm for us.
Nobody need judge their lives on what is the norm for others. Everyone's normal is different <3
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