Saturday, 17 August 2013

Paediatrician update!

Finally the weather has cooled down a little bit. Though the closer we get to our holiday in Cornwall, the more rain we seem to be getting!

To our paediatrician's amazement.....

Last week we met with Dr R for Gs 6 month check up. We weren't sure what to expect, but what we hadn't banked on was Dr R's surprise at how well G is doing! 
Upon arrival G kept all of the other children in the waiting room entertained by energetically jumping up and down on the seats (the downside to loving her bouncer is that she now grabs every opportunity to put her little feet on a surface and jump!). She then screamed the place down when it came to being weighed. I couldn't believe it when Tim reemerged with a grin on his face and proudly announcing that she was now a healthy 16lb. 
Clinic was running late, but we soon saw a familiar face and were welcomed in to the consulting room. I was armed with a list of questions, but thankfully the Dr had plenty of time for us. The long and short of it is:
- G is being referred to a gastro paediatrician at  a different  hospital. Her ongoing reflux issues seem to be out of Dr Rs general paediatric remit. She had hoped that G would have grown out of this now, but unfortunately not.
- She will have a barium swallow study done to see if there are any underlying reasons for the ongoing reflux. 
- A prescription was written for domperidone which is a drug that will make her stomach empty faster, thus hopefully reducing the amount of material in Gs tummy to be sicked up (we hope!). Although as the two other drugs have proved, getting the actual medicine into her may be the biggest hurdle. 
- We should go full steam ahead with weaning, though due to the increased sickness from purees/porridge/rice, we should focus on finger foods and baby led weaning. 
- I need to take G to our GP to see if she can be referred to a podiatrist for some specialist foot care. 
Dr R will see us again in three months to see how things are. She hopes that the reflux will be a thing of the past, we do too! As for Turner Syndrome related issues, there wasn't really anything to discuss this time as she is doing so well. Yay for a healthy G :) 

Our first family holiday 

On Thursday we will be packing up the baby, dog, and house, and setting off for our first ever family holiday to Cornwall. We will be meeting up with my family and some friends, and are very much looking forward to relaxing, and introducing G to the amazing sights of North Cornwall. I cannot wait to smell the sea air and let G feel the sand between her toes. What I can wait for is the mammoth 5 hour journey, and a dog that is petrified of travelling. We'll be visiting the vets this week for some tablets to knock me, sorry, Winston out! I'm also not looking forward to packing. I've a list 3 pages long, but luckily Tim has a 6 seater transit van which could fit even the kitchen sink in. Phew!

Beating baby boredom

A brand new jumperoo arrived yesterday. It was a bargain price from Asda, and we are hoping that it may help to alleviate Gs boredom. She cannot sit still for a second at the moment, and unfortunately due to the ridiculous amount of vomit that shoots out every time she so much as wriggles, she's getting very frustrated. Her feet can't quite touch the floor at the moment, so the Next catalogue is doing a grand job of helping her to bounce in the jumperoo. She isn't totally bawled over by her new toy, and would still rather be 
in our cheap and cheerful door bouncer, but heyho we'll keep trying. 

So, next time I post, hopefully we'll be thoroughly refreshed from our hollibobs and ready to face the run up to Christmas (I know, did I really say the C word?!). Also, I have just read a book on baby led weaning, and am excited to get going with that once we return. Oooo and little moo will be 6 months old. HALF A YEAR! Wowsers.....

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