Sunday, 26 January 2020

We've been a little quiet

.but we are ok! It's only because I have been attempting to juggle a fair few plates, and quite frankly I have dropped quite a lot! So after 3 months of radio silence, I thought an update was LONG overdue.

Happy New Year first and foremost!

G had the most wonderful Christmas - lots of family time, lots of food, lots of films, and lots of time off school. I think the latter was the highlight for her, but come January 6th the structure and routine of school was much needed (even though she may not have been able to comprehend that).

November and December gave G a respite from appointments, which again was another highlight.

What's coming up?

In the next few weeks we have an appointment with G's paediatrician to look at her growth and general wellbeing. For us, we'll be most interested in the growth as it had slowed down last time, and as a result her daily dosage of growth hormone was increased.

She is also due an eye test next week, and it's almost certain that she will need a new prescription (the only part she's excited about is picking new frames!). During the last test the optician informed us that her prescription needed to change a fair bit but that her eyes weren't coping with it during the tests. So it was going to be done in 2 stages over 6 months and stage 2 therefore is next week. Not necessarily Turner Syndrome related, more mummy and daddy related. Given that 3 of us wear glasses, little H is also keen to get in on the act. He pinches G's glasses at every given opportunity. He has his very own eye test the week after next.

G TURNS it's not quite round the corner, but she is counting down the days and given my recent form I am unlikely to blog again between now and March! High heels, a stainless steel water bottle and 'something Vtech' are on the list.

In April we have a heart scan in Oxford, and a hearing test to check if her hearing has declined. But they are far enough into the future that she isn't panicking about them. She now has a calendar to keep a check of important dates - her request.

We have been awaiting an appointment with regards to G possibly sitting on the Autistic Spectrum. After an initial referral made by school 10 months ago, we are still waiting. It's ok though, it's not desperate, it won't change anything. We know that G has many traits of ASD, however it would be good at some point to have the input of a professional so that we can put any additional support in place if and when it is required.

More imminent is half term, which of course she is counting down to because as she tells us most days - she doesn't like school. She may not like it, but she's doing great, and is especially excelling at reading. Our girl can devour books, and still loves nothing more than her bedtime stories and snuggles with us all  <3

I am sure that I have missed a SHED load off of the above, but my memory is not what it once was. Most importantly G is happy and healthy (only a few germs over the holidays, not an ear infection in sight). She adores her little brother  and she continues to make us super proud parents.