Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Holidays, heat and hospitals!

Well I think I blinked and missed July! Thankfully we didn’t blink and miss the British summer this year...our holiday to Cornwall was a scorcher for the first time EVER.

Much of the summer holidays have been spent in the garden under the shade of our homemade sail-style canopy (think bed linen on the washing line come strewn across the garden due to high winds and you’re about there). They’ve also been spent trying to keep up with little H’s antics as he enters the world of walking, and generally attempting EVERYTHING that is mischievous/heart-attack inducing.

With only two weeks of the school holidays remaining, we’re now turning our thoughts to ridiculously priced School shoes, first day back anxieties, and the two main men in our lives both having operations this bank holiday weekend. EEEEK!

News news news...

- G is being monitored for high blood pressure. Now we’ve always had problems with blood pressure montior cuffs fitting G. I know this. I anticipated this. I rang ahead and checked this. ‘Don’t worry, we’re all prepared’ they said.
No. Twenty five minutes of tears and the cardiac investigations team concluded G would not be able to go home with a working blood pressure monitor. I almost wanted to mutter ‘I told you so’ on my way out, but the screams of both children had me otherwise engaged.

- Today’s three monthly Ear Nose and Throat appointment revealed what we’d been expecting but dreading: G is now experiencing hearing loss, and grommets are imminent. She’s been on antibiotics for 3 months but with no positive impact. Thankfully the results from her pressure test (testing for fluid behind the ear drums) have given us a 10-12 week reprieve.

- Last month G got glasses! She’s been desperate to have her very own pair for months, though the excitement has worn off somewhat. Back to the opthalmologist and consultant in three months to assess the impact. It’s all about the three months at the moment!

- So I told the babe she needed a repeat blood test. Most days she asks when this will be. September babe, ages away. Not in her mind. Bless her and her anxiety! Her next endocrine appointment is in October so we’ll be booking in with the play specialist just ahead of that. Let’s hope the blood doesn’t clot this time.

- Bank extra day’s lay-in, Sunday evening at the local, maybe even a mini break? Or perhaps the littlest boy having an operation, closely followed by Daddy having one three days later. Little H is having straightforward surgery to find a missing piece of his male anatomy, and Daddy is having slightly more complicated surgery to remove a whole disc from his spine. Gulp. A fairly swift recovery for little H, not so for Daddy. GULP. No work for some time, no driving for some more time, and no picking up the babes for a long time. We LOVE you. Prayers much appreciated <3

- Amidst the chaos this weekend, me and my wonderful hubster do have the rare treat of a belated Christmas present to a beautiful outdoor theatre. Thanks Mum & Dad!!

So that’s us all up to date! We’re officially on the countdown to school resuming (my ex-teacher self would never have celebrated this!), also to the Turner Syndrome Annual conference in October, and of course to making it to the other side of this bank holiday weekend...