Well, it's this time next year. My recent Facebook memory told me so... Little G has been having daily growth hormone injections for just over a year.
The change has been phenomenal! Not just the physical change, though that in itself is impressive enough - I am literally needing to buy new everything at the moment. Gone are the days when her summer wardrobe would last at least 2 seasons!
When I sit and think about it, I am in awe of how such a young human can adapt so easily to something that was so daunting. So petrifying. Good job really, she's got another 5,6,7 years of it!
Parent's evening
Little G is two thirds of the way through her first year of school. Where has the time gone? It's been a somewhat turbulent ride (especially the morning tantrums), and school seems to be quite an inconvenience for her ..."Mummy, don't they know they are taking me away from spending time with my family?!" ...but for the best part, the girl is doing good. I don't think she'll ever be fully in love with the idea of school, and I think that sitting still/not fidgeting will always be one of her targets, but things could definitely be far worse.
Conference 2018
EEEEEK, we've booked our place at the 2018 Turner Syndrome conference, and I am ecstatic! More so because we really couldn't afford to attend this year, and a local charitable trust kindly agreed to cover the full cost of the conference for us. AMAZING. We are so lucky to have the incredible support of the Turner Syndrome Support Society, and equally so to have a charity who are willing to pay in excess of £500 to allow us to have access to a weekend of vital support and information. It's not to early to start a countdown is it?!
Heart update part 2
I had a call from G's heart consultant the day after the previous blog update. She wanted to inform us that she'd like to see G in one year as opposed to the two years that she'd discussed with us after the scan. Whilst she told us not to panic, she did feel that once she'd analysed the data she felt G's measurements were at the upper limits of normal. NORMAL still though. A little panic ensued, but we concluded that they are most likely being cautious. Caution trumps carelessness!
In other news:
- G loved her caravan holiday, standard! And we're often again in May. Hurrah for budget caravan holidays which you can pay a few pound towards each month. Change of scenery is good for the soul.
- Baby H is 1 soon. ONE. How?! G loves baby H. Like squashes him with her over-zealous hugs kind of love. So beautiful together.
- Mummy tried working a night time job. Mummy failed. Turns out exhaustion from general non-sleeping kids and mummy duties PLUS exhaustion from working late into the night/small hours = a recipe for the worst ever non-alcohol related hangover. Mummy is attempting to become a mumtrepreneur, though this may be a long term project due to the obvious lack of dollar! On the plus side it's a total blessing being able to do all of the school runs, being there whenever G needs me, and spend my days with baby H. Every cloud...
Oh, and did I mention that G sleeps through the night at least 5 out of 7 days now?! Who'd have thought...