Yet again we are thanking our lucky stars for the NHS-double ear infection for G, diagnosed and sent on our way with antibiotics by 9am on Christmas Eve.
This past month or two has been chaotic. It’s predominantly been filled with illness - two ambulance trips for little H due to bronchiolitis and breathing difficulties, and for G, ear infections and crazy temperatures. She has also had a fainting episode, and several funny turns, leading us to believe that G’s dislike of anything (or anyone) medical may have escalated to the next stage.
Illness aside, November and December have been fairly uneventful, especially with regards to Turner Syndrome.
Usually at this time of year I am mad busy with ‘all things christmassy’ at school, but currently being on maternity leave means I have been able to partake in G’s school’s festivities. A trip to the theatre to see Stickman, Christmas open morning, and her first ever Nativity!
Usually at this time of year I am mad busy with ‘all things christmassy’ at school, but currently being on maternity leave means I have been able to partake in G’s school’s festivities. A trip to the theatre to see Stickman, Christmas open morning, and her first ever Nativity!
Now I LOVE a good Nativity. But your own babe in her first ever Nativity...that’s something else. I think even daddy was fighting back a tear or two. Shepherd #3 in her tea towel headdress and her two spoken lines. My heart melted.
I’m wracking my brains for other news, but seeing as it’s taken the best part of a day to write this, I think I will call it a night. Today we’ve enjoyed ice skating, a Christingle service, watching The Santa Claus movie, cooking the turkey and driving around spotting Christmas lights. Now I’m exhausted, G is beyond excited/feeling rotten and Daddy is busy preparing Christmas Dinner.
So goodnight all. Wherever you are and whatever your situation may be, we are sending you love this Christmas xxx
So goodnight all. Wherever you are and whatever your situation may be, we are sending you love this Christmas xxx