.....G being off sick from school. GUTTED.
This past week my social media has been flooded with first day pictures. And tomorrow I'd have joined the brigade of proud parents by showing off our girl on her first day of big school (remembering of course to take internet safety into account!).
However.....it's that time of year where our babe starts to pick up whatever germs are doing the rounds. Result? Mummy having to call in sick for her. On her FIRST day.
Some sort of upper respiratory virus and a urinary tract infection are the culprits of G's ridiculously high (40 degree +) temperature. In true G style, it all came on suddenly and when usual 9-5 GP services are non operational. Thank goodness for our local walk in centre, they are amazing.
Hopefully after a couple of doses of antibiotics and some much needed rest, she'll be able to start on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Poor sausage, she has been counting down for literally the past 63 days (tick chart and all). I'd even had to experiment with stain remover on her new uniform due to her insistence on roleplaying her first week of school. It has been a long summer holiday!
In other news:
We've a frenzy of appointments coming up.... eyes (to further assess G's short sightedness), ears (only one infection in the past year!!), physio assessment (balance and coordination issues), occupational therapy assessment (sensory issues) and the much anticipated first growth check with the endocrinologist.
Can you believe it's been nearly six months since we embarked on the daily growth injection journey?! Our first significant milestone in our walk with Turner Syndrome. Daily injections are now a part of G's routine, and we've even managed to knock the daily reward sweet on the head too. Our babe continues to amaze us on a daily basis.
The countdown is on-Annual Turner Syndrome Conferenc commences in 25 days....Can.Not.Wait! Old friends, new friends, giggles, tears, food, dancing, AMAZING workshops and guest speakers, and for one weekend only a chance to feel like we are with people who have walked our walk. People who 'get' us, and G.
So that's another round-up complete. Fingers crossed for a slightly delayed but nonetheless amazing start to her first academic year at infant school. This was a day that at one point I wasn't even sure we'd ever experience. Our little miracle!