This week has been one of mixed emotions-the joy of half term and spending each day together, but the unsettling time of being out of routine. Throw in to the mix a doctors appointment, a batch of stomach churning antibiotics, the flu nasal spray and a rather lengthy community paediatrician appointment, and you've a recipe for a rather emotional week (for both of us!). Thank goodness for the small yet perfectly timed pick-me-ups that have been gratefully received by all....a beautiful bouquet of flowers from a fantastic family, a day trip to G's new favourite holiday park to visit another fantastic family (sorry G, unless they match Haven's prices we won't be booking anytime soon!!), a visit to G's two bestest pretend big brothers, and a long overdue catch up with a fabulous friend and her two babes. That rounded off with dinner at my parents and lots of TLC from hubby, and we're ready to face another week. Just.
Nasty nasal nuisance
So that darn nasal bug didn't bog off for long. Ok, it did but it's mate moraxella cattarhalis infested G's canal instead. Cue more antibiotics which need at least two chocolate buttons to fend off the vile taste, and what we now believe to be secondary gastroenteritis (and NOT a reaction to malted milk biscuits). I swear half my life is a guessing game. That and chasing up various consultants and getting them to ACTUALLY listen to me. Who needs time to sleep!
Speaking of sleep, it's currently eluding us. I imagine it's a combination of the antibiotics and the side effect of Mr moraxella, but three weeks of no less than four wake ups per night and I'm somewhat hanging.
Appointment update
I'm a little apprehensive to report the findings of our recent appointment, only because I don't actually know how much of what I said/asked/requested was actually taken on board by the community paediatrician! I shall await the report from them and update you then otherwise I may have had a warped view. What was agreed though was that G does have some elements of sensory processing disorder. The socks, the hair, the noises, tastes and textures, sleeves, anxiety, sleep disturbance, heightened sense of smell, watching TV episodes upside down, fidgeting, meltdowns, I could go on. From what I gather we can't do anything as such. But it's how we deal with things, the allowances we make, and how it affects her daily routine that is important.
During our appointment I mentioned a variety of other things, however I was most disappointed at being told that we can do very little to help G's anxiety (especially around medical appointments, or which she'll have many, forevermore..). I'm now on the case of my health visitor as I'm not satisfied that there is no support for G. Watch this space. I hope.
So, aside from the above we have been carving pumpkins, spending lots of time at the field with the dog, helping out with G's new baby cousin, creating autumnal artwork and generally having lots of fun. I wish every week was half term. Or perhaps not....Just kidding G, I LOVE YOU xx