Wednesday, 23 March 2016

The heart of it

Our heart beats over 100,000 times a day and pumps around 1.5 gallons of blood per minute. Fetal heart cells can start beating at a mere 4 weeks.  Our hearts are incredible, intricate, essential to human life. So when you or a loved one has a problem with such a vital organ, it can be terrifying.

We had amazing support and care from John Radcliffe Hospital when G was in utero, and thankfully she had no major issues with her heart when she was born, unlike some babes with Turner Sydrome.
So some of you will recall our shock just under two years ago when we found out that G had a hole in her heart. A hole that should have closed after birth. A patent foramen ovule.

Well today, after many prayers, lots of worrying, and consideration of potential implications such as heart surgery, we found out that the hole had closed.  Hurrah! Thank God! I cried......embarrasing!
G was such a gem during the echo. Yes she screamed (so much infact that we had several additional staff join us pulling every trick out of the hat), but job done. Hole closed.

Sadly the news was followed with 'but her aortic valve is slightly abnormal and and we will monitor this again aged 5'......but that didn't phase us. Our consultant was calm,  kind and reassuring, as he always is. Unfortunately we also found out that he is retiring and will no longer be G's cardiologist. Still, we are thankful of his fantastic care up until now, and of G's hole-free heart.

Holiday happiness
We've just returned from a weekend away at G's favourite caravan park. Despite being unwell,  she had a blast. Sea air, football, tree houses, sunshine (not forgetting the rain) and a healthy dose of Nanny and Grandad were just what the doctor ordered. For all of us.

No appointments until when?!
June. Surely that's too good to be true?

Light hearted humour
So many sayings and questions that have had us in stitches recently. Here are a selection for your amusement:
* Why did a lady used to be a girl?
* Daddy can we turn the radio over to radio 4 please?
* Why does it have to be light when it's summer and dark when it's winter?
* Why does a girl have to stay a girl? Can't she be a boy later?
* Daddy go faster.....I can't G it's a 30mph road. ...well find another road then daddy!

Oh and as for living in a bungalow -turns out she doesn't want to have a staircase. naughty step. Mystery solved!

Saturday, 5 March 2016

I don't want to wear a coat, I want to live in a bungalow

And of course that argument for not wearing a coat makes perfect sense...
This past week has been one of numerous arguments and tantrums. Not only has G turned into a threenager, but we've also embarked on a sleep programme which currently is causing more harm than good.

G turned 3!
I actually cannot believe it. We now have a beautiful three year old. Mind you she's 3 going on 30.
She managed to make her birthday last for approximately a week, and boy did she milk it... Prior to her birthday a family get together with Mr Tumble cake number one; on her birthday a family get together with Mr Tumble cake number 2 AND a Mcdonalds (what else would you eat for birthday tea??); several treats with friends; and of course the obligatory 'it's my birthday so I can boss you around' attitude which came in bucket loads.
G was spoilt rotten and thoroughly enjoyed her birthday week. We all did,  especially the cake. Daddy is fast becoming a gluten and dairy free birthday cake expert. So much so that G was more thrilled at the arrival of her cake than her daddy!

Blood results
Several weeks back we took G for an array of blood tests-some routine, others to ascertain why she is unwell so often. Results thankfully came back as negative, though one marker for infection was under the normal threshold. That said, nothing can be done about this. I'm pleased though that nothing untoward was discovered. Now bog off please infections....

Imminent heart scan
As with many things, you'd look at G and wouldn't even consider the fact that she had a heart condition. I often forget.  But when I remember it scares me.  In two weeks time, we should know whether that ratbag (as G would say) of a PFO has closed naturally, or will require surgery.
Prayers of both thankfulness and healing will be plentiful.

Sleep clinic
Everybody knows that sleep is a taboo subject for us. So we were delighted when we were finally referred to a sleep clinic. I was skeptical at first, but after a  fruitful discussion with the specialist I left armed with a 2 week programme to follow. I felt hopeful. Positive even. A solution to G's sleep difficulties were  promised.
Fast forward to day 6, and my skepticism has returned. And that's an understatement. The dummies have been sent to the dummy fairies, the sheep has ceased to play his sweet (if not slightly annoying) lullabies, and our bedtime routine now includes an abundance of melatonin inducing activities. We are following the programme TO THE LETTER. However.....
We now have a child who not only wakes upto 8 times a night still,  but who no longer drops off to sleep the minute her head hits the pillow, who cries continuously before bed and at regular intervals in the night, and who will do everything including throwing a full blown hissy fit to avoid bedtime. Nothing can soothe her. No one can calm her down. She is often inconsolable. Needless to say I'm not looking forward to the follow up appointment next week. I might just lose the plot with them.

Countdown to caravan time!
As a birthday treat we booked a mini break at G's favourite caravan site. So we are on holiday countdown in our household. It is MUCH needed by all of us. Thank goodness for payment plans and her love of a cheap seaside holiday! Hopefully the sea air will have more success inducing sleep than the sleep programme....

And so here we are. Tired but happy. Happy to have such a fiery, funny three year old. Her abundance of hugs keeps us going, as do her quirky little recounts of the day's activities. ..."So today I was taking my socks off and they all laughed.  Literally they didn't stop. Soooo hilarious"
I need some of what's she's on ;)