Thursday, 17 September 2015

To share or not to share?

Sharing is such a difficult concept for toddlers to grasp. Grace really struggles. However she is a little more cunning than I had given her credit for!
During lunch today I caught her allowing Winston to lick her soup spoon. Whilst sternly explaining that this is not acceptable, I was cut short with a reply that I simply could not argue with - "Mummy, but I was sharing with Winston. You told me off for not sharing with Lara this morning.  I'm sharing now!"

Our daughters grasp of the english language is also another source of much hilarity. From the teen slang phrases to the classics that would be more likely to effortlessly float from my mother's mouth, we never quite know what she will say next. Here are some of our favourites:
● All good in the hood
● What you doing boy
● Quick sharp
● It'll be done in no time, I'm an expert
● I'm having a freak out (reserved for when she sees dogs or ducks)
● Good driving mate
● What a lovely day for a drive

Appointment update
I don't know how, but in the space of a week we've had 3 appointments come through for G. I'm sure we weren't due any until at least December! Gastro and the dietician are due in my half term, and I need to arrange ENT. Ear Nose and Throat is actually one that I am keen to attend this time round as I'm sure G is suffering from sleep apnoea. Apparently the first port of call is ENT, and sleep studies (of which we have been referred to anyway). Given our consultant's enthusiasm to discharge us, this development will be most unwelcome.

We've recently had a weekend away by the sea, which G adored. Caravans are the best thing ever, as are life-sized fluffy animal characters (so long as they are at least 1metre away). And don't get me started on her arcade obsession!   She's also developed a passion for swimming, which at one point was a phobia of hers. We will be taking full advantage of this on a weekly basis by getting her used to our local pool. Let's hope her ears play ball!

Next update-post conference!!

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Conference countdown

I'm currently sat on the sofa under a blanket watching the X factor,  which only means one thing....countdown to conference!  That wasn't the 'C word' you were expecting was it?!

It also means that the summer is over and I'm back to school. G is not impressed by this. Not. One. Bit. She's refused to leave my bed of a morning and has had more outbursts than there are minutes of the day. My heart did break when she sobbed 'please don't send me there' as I packed up her bags one morning. I must reassure you that she thinks her childminder is ace, and the same day went on to inform her of what a brilliant day she'd had. Monkey! Routine is our friend. Deviation from routine is our enemy.
Good job I'm only a part timer. We've had an amazing summer, I adore time with my girl. This week I've had to earn some back-to-work brownie points with a fun filled bus ride (easily pleased!).

We've also concluded that noise really does seem to be an issue for G. She will literally jump out of her skin if she hears a motorbike, cling to me for dear life if a truck or lorry pass her by, and my goodness if I dare vacuum or dry my hands in a public toilet! As for my singing,  well,  I get a right royal telling off. 

On a serious note though, anything loud, mechanical, high pitched, unexpected, or expected yet unwanted and we are often close to meltdown. Something I'm hoping to investigate at conference. 

In other news, we are going through an appointment drought at the moment, which has multiple benefits:
-I'm yet to have to book time off from my new job for hospital visits. 
-The nightmare that is hospital car parking. It's been at least 3 weeks since we last fought for a space, and shelled out for extortionate fees.
-Grace will have time to get over the 12 hour fasting blood test, which was in itself traumatic due to a) telling her she can't have milk or toast but without telling the reason behind the cruel withholding of  her beloved morning essentials b) pinning her down so that she would stay still enough for the nurses to only to take one stab at her.

As always we've been totally blessed recently. We temporarily cancelled our place at conference but due to the generosity of some amazing people, we will be attending. Thank God.  The conference is a major lifeline for us and a source of IMMENSE knowledge.

Until next time, here is my darling,  my sweetheart (nope not my nicknames for her....hers for me!)

Wooah, I nearly forgot, G achieved her first badge at gymnastics.  WOOP WOOP! In fact that's totally worth a triple WOOP WOOP WOOP!