No we haven't. Yes we're tall, and yes we've grown.
I very much doubt Grace will ever be greeted by such comments from distant relatives. She did however leave her endocrine consultant in a state of disbelief after her measurements were taken last week. Grace has grown 5.5cm in 6 months and a whopping 12cm in the past year. To put that into context for you, an average toddler should grow 5-8cm in a year. Maybe it was the compost??
What does that mean for us? Delaying growth hormone injections for at least another 12 months. If you know how petrified G is of anything medical, you'll understand what a relief that is for us. For now.
On a less positive note, it's time for Grace's 12-24 month blood tests. Eeeek. A medley of tests including a fasting glucose test. Try explaining no milk, no breakfast, visiting her least favourite place AND being pricked like a pin cushion to a 2 and a half year old. Can't wait.
Our 3 month opthalmology appointment was last week too, and something amazing happened - Grace didn't cry.....until the waiting room. At this rate we'll make it into the consultation room without tears by around age 5!
We made it through half of the tests before G lost interest and we've now established that she can see straight and that her eyes are working in unison (yes it really did take three eye appointments to establish that!). What it only took one appointment to discover was that 1 manky tiger toy lurking in the depths of a consultant's pencil case + a toddler who shoves everything in her mouth = horrendous diarrhea.
Next stop, testing each eye independently and the dreaded dye in the eye. Without said tiger.
As always, we are in hysterics on a regular basis due to Gracie-isms. Finger wagging, stern tellings off, and the adoption of mummy and daddy's key phrases make for some hilarious outbursts.
No mummy we don't have a deal.....stop fussing, you just keep fussing. careful don't break it, it's delicate and you must be gentle....Ninnie it's ok, don't cry, I'll look after you. .... hey you guys......I know it's not raining here but it's probably raining in our garden so I can use my new brella!
In other news we had a fantastic holiday in Norfolk, just what the Doctor ordered. Minus the rain. I think the Dr may need to prescribe a second holiday for my dad though, who did not get a minutes peace. Grace was his shadow all week. She adores her Grandan :) Squashing sandcastles with her derriere, and trying to win minion memorabilia in the arcades were the highlights of the week. Lots of fun was had by all.
Mental note, must purchase a range rover and speedboat before we return to that glorious part of the country. ..