I get woken most nights at least twice by little G, however recently when I tried the usual tricks in the early hours (fumbling around for the dummy, finding her comforter, giving her some water), I was surprised that none of these worked. Then I heard a little voice asking me for a kiss. A kiss. That was all she wanted. I certainly didn't moan about the get-ups that night!
Recently we've noticed that Grace has slimmed down a fair bit. That on top of her growth steadily starting to slow down (though still not noticeably) has meant we've been caught out when buying clothes. It seems her current age clothes are far too big! I had to laugh when I realised the other day that I'd needed to roll back her cardigan sleeves so far that they were back up to her elbows. Note to self, this will become the norm soon....
Another reason for her more slender figure may also be down to food issues. A combo of sheer fussiness, her strong will, and her food intolerances mean that I could probably count the food she'll eat on two hands. No joke. OK maybe hands and toes but that really is it. Currently we have a repertoire of 2 veg, 0 fruit, 1 soya yog, 3 meats, 1 cereal, 1 fish, egg, ice pops, cake, popcorn and a ton of GF pasta. All covered in tomato ketchup, coleslaw or mayo. She's still on prescription milk thankfully, at least she may have some intake of nutrients.
Now I've always been one of those 'my child won't eat junk, and will try everything' kind of mums. At least in my head I have. I bake different things, I look for new recipes, we eat everything with her and in front of her, and we literally will eat anything. But it just won't do. She is stubborn!
This is a common Turner Syndrome issue, and I think I'll need to turn to the TS experts themselves for some much needed advice. The charity I mean, the only ones who know TS inside out.
No real other news for us, just lots of outdoor fun, giggles and cuddles! Oh and her insistence that daddy is no longer daddy but Tim, Timmy or my Tim. He he he (sorry Tim, I'm not laughing!).