Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Terrible tantrums and troublesome teeth

I'm almost certain I've written a post with a similar title at least once previously. The only difference being the horrendous diarrhea and nappy rash that have accompanied it this time....oooo I bet you really want to read on!

Explosions, in every sense of the word. Three canines have literally exploded through G's gums in the past 4 weeks. Alongside this there has been a nasty dribble rash, a red raw behind, and explosions of the ass variety! My sister had the pleasure of looking after G this morning, and boy did G make her work for it. Four vile nappies later, and Aunty S's an expert ;) 
Explosive could also describe her temper tantrums. Over the past few weeks I've had an array of comments regarding G and her fiery nature: 'Independent' 'strong willed' 'strong minded' 'fierce temper' 'quite a character'...... Guys I'm a teacher, I'm an expert at disguising what I really think behind an assortment of flowery wording. I know what you really mean!
Given that both myself and hubby are fairly placid, calm, and mild tempered (except when I NEED food), it has left us wondering whether that missing chromosome has any part to play in the make up of her character. 
With the Turner Sundrome conference less than 3 weeks away-maybe we'll find out sooner rather than later.

Appointment update
Last week I dragged G kicking and screaming, quite literally, to the hospital for an eye appointment. Whilst there are no current concerns regarding G's sight, it was felt that all bases should be covered due to her TS. I had rang beforehand to warn the opthalmist that G is terrified of hospitals, but she was adamant she'd be able to calm G down with toys, and conduct the whole eye test. HA HA HA HA HA. People really don't believe when I say she will scream from the minute we enter the hospital car park, until we leave. She doesn't even let up for air. Upon entering the car park, she initially tried to calm herself down by saying 'it's alright, it's alright' before descending in to hysterics. It's times like that I want to turn the car around, tell her it is alright, and go home.
Needless to say the eye test was abandoned (just like the ear test 3 weeks previous), but she'd seen enough to reassure us that G's eyes were in good condition. We are to return in February for a more in-depth eye inspection with the consultant. Deep joy!

So, that's us up to date. No more imminent appointments. G has been wowing us daily with her amazing vocabulary and understanding. She's now moved on to 2 and 3 word sentences, and is generally using her cleverness to try and outsmart me!! Love that little monkey :) 
And before I sign off.....I today found out that I passed my masters, woooooohooooooooo!! G even joined my celebrations this evening by saying 'whoop whoop'!