Monday, 26 May 2014

Bugs, Cugs and wobbly steps

I've just realised that it has been over a month since I last posted. Wooops, sorry guys we've had a mad month! 

G experienced her first ever gastro bug this month. My goodness had we forgotten what projectile vomit and constant diarrhea was like (sorry!)! Two tubs of vanish, a bucket, a make shift bed of blankets and towels in the lounge, and a baby who couldn't stay awake for more than 15 minutes. Thankfully after 7 days she started to perk up. By day 10 we had our talking, tantruming, non sleeping baby back! 
During this time G had a couple of blood tests-one to check her kidney function due to severe dehydration, and finally her immune level test. All came back clear which was great news. 

G's language skills are developing daily. The word of the week this week is 'pig' as she has become an avid fan of Peppa Pig, and our personal favourite is 'cug' which is her own mixture of cuddle and hug. It's the sweetest thing when she heads towards you with outstretched arms shouting 'cug'! She has a bank of about 30 words now, of which she knows the meaning of. Some clearer than others, but when she said 'maoow' at a lady in a PVC catsuit on a music vid yesterday, we sure knew what she meant!
It's still too early to know whether her high palate (due to her Turner syndrome) will affect her ability to pronounce some sounds. We'll just have to wait and see. 

Wobbly steps....
Whilst G seems to be an early talker, the same can't be said for her walking. Crawling didn't come until around 9 and a half months, pulling to standing around 10 and a half months and standing alone only the last week or so. However, this weekend at nearly 15 months, she took her first two shaky steps!! We are looking forward to what the next few weeks bring.

So, that's us for the month of May! G has some extra mummy time this week as it is half term. I've a stack of school reports to write but I've no doubt that she'll command my undivided attention. We have a hearing appointment coming up in a few weeks, but that aside, a quiet few weeks hopefully. The same won't be said for the hearing appointment, they'll know her lungs work at least!!