Gracie's first cold
On Wednesday G just would not settle. Day times are usually her happiest, but not this time. She was grizzly, hungry and nothing would settle her. One car ride later, and we thought we'd cracked it, it was 9pm and she had dozed off. Then I heard a sound on the baby monitor that made me want to investigate. After taking a leisurely stroll up to the bedroom, I found G choking in her Moses basket. After several slaps on the back, and several more choking episodes, I found the culprit. Snot, and plenty of it. G had developed her first cold.This night become another first....the first time we had ever ventured out in the car beyond the evening, in to the realms of the night. It was midnight, and we were heading for the M1! It was also the first night that we really did have no sleep...the odd wink here and there, but that was all. How Tim made it though work the next day I don't know.
G is starting to get over her cold, and I have every baby cold relieving item that I could lay my hands on. Snuffle babe vapour rub has to be my favourite (baby Vicks for those of you who are wondering). The smell takes me back to my childhood :)
I might add that choking is not uncommon for her, it's more of a regular occurrence, but we know how to deal with it. It doesn't make it any nicer to see or deal with, but it seems to be yet another symptom of her reflux.
Sleeping though the night
Last night, for the first time in her little 12 week existence, G slept through the night! 9:15pm until 6am. For any parent reading this, you will no doubt be remembering your first time too, probably because it was the first decent nights sleep you'd had in months. I must admit I did wake briefly in the night, slightly bemused at the fact that I hadn't heard her little screams for milk, but after hearing her breathing peacefully I fell back to sleep.I don't expect that this will happen every night, but I know that she can do it. And to be quite honest, the amazing 7 hours of sleep that I had is enough to get me through the next 12 weeks..... Well, the weekend maybe!
First bath by mummy (without daddy's help!)
Caution, Slippery when wet.... A warning that should come with all babies! Up until this week I'd always wait until Tim was around to bath G. However this week G decided to treat me to several explosions, most of which required immediate bathing. So I thought 'man up Rach, it can't be that hard'. It wasn't. Ok she wriggled and squirmed, squealed with delight, and screamed when she'd had enough, but it was ok. The fact that she smelled like a Johnsons baby factory afterwards made it all the more worth it.Back in the car again?
I had mentioned venturing out in the car, and you may be thinking 'but what about the mamaroo?!' After our initial delight at this fantastic contraption working, we found that Gracie would only settle in the mamaroo for a short time. Once in the full throws of her screaming fit, it no longer had effect.Put her in before she starts? We've tried, but sooner or later the screaming fit does come. It does however buy us enough time to cook, and usually eat our dinner. For that I am thankful!
So many people have been kind enough to tell us ways that have helped to soothe and settle their little ones, and we've been been more than happy, enthusiastic even, to try every suggestion. But they just don't seem to cut it. A real life car ride is the only thing that works for her. Either we need to get her meds and formula altered soon, or she needs to grow out of these reflux and milk issues. Poor little monkey must be fed up of the pain!
In support of Gracie and the Turner Syndrome Society
This time next week my little brother will be taking part in his first ever triathlon in aid of Turner Syndrome Support Society. He is very close to reaching his £500 goal, and we are all really proud of him and how he wants to support his little niece. The race is pretty local to us, so Gracie is looking forward to cheering him on!
What does this week have in store?
Gracie has her second lot of jabs, another hospital appointment which apparently is for an echo, and hopefully a conversation (or even an appointment) with the paediatrician to discuss her current treatments for her reflux and milk intolerance. The current provision is having no effect whatsoever. I have also had a letter through to make our first appointment with the dietician regarding the milk issues. Aside from the medical stuff, we are going to enjoy bank holiday with Winston and daddy (sunshine please!), and have more coffee and cake with friends. It's a good job I've started going to the gym, at this rate I'll be growing a cake baby!!It's a good job that Gracie, daddy and Winston are snoozing their heads off beside me right now, I've enjoyed a lovely brew, and keeping you guys updated :)