To continue the blog?
I was thinking the other day about whether our time on this blog has come to an end. It's primary functions were to raise awareness of a relatively unheard of syndrome, and share the story of a tough pregnancy that was full of unknowns. Now that G is here with us safe and sound, I'm unsure about where to take our story. Whilst our relationship with Turner Syndrome is by no means over-it will be a life long one-the hardest part is now over.Sure we''ll have plenty of baby stories to share, and the odd appointment with the paediatrician, but so long as G continues to be healthy, we will have very little to share with regards to her syndrome.
Still no heart appointment....
We are still awaiting the blood test results to double check Gs platelet and haemoglobin levels, and more importantly we are still waiting on our appointment with Dr Archer, the heart specialist from Oxford. Whilst We are happy that her heart scans were clear during pregnancy, we (or I-the worrier) will be much more at ease once she has had her infant heart scan, as up until now all of the scans were during pregnancy. Let's hope that magic appointment letter arrives soon.Baby joys
I'm finally getting used to being a mummy :) I'm worrying less about the weird farmyard noises that she makes, panicking less about what to do when she cries, and just generally enjoying being in her lovely little presence! Tim has taken to fatherhood like a duck to water, you'd never have believed that he hadn't held a baby before G. He's still a little averse to the 4am night feeds though, and can sleep through her noisy nays, baaas, squarks and cries (is that just a man thing?!).Family have fallen in love with G,and she is permanently fussed over by grandparents, uncles, aunts and surrogate aunts.
I had an antenatal reunion this week, and we had to tell our stories. As I had enough to talk about with the emergency c section and Gs time in special care, I didn't get round to mentioning the hardest time of all-the pregnancy, and coming to terms with her Turner Syndrome.It's funny to think that we spent a whole 6 months not knowing what was in store for us, and whether the pregnancy would even come to term. That 6 months seems like an age ago. I can't remember the amount of times that I cried, and worried over whether I'd still be pregnant by the end of the day. I say funny, only in that all I ever think about now is whether I'm going to be vomited on, how long G will sleep for, and whether she needs her nappy changing! Joking aside, those hard times have long since been forgotten.
So different now. So happy. So lucky :)
Here is an Easter picture of G for you all...